Wednesday, November 15, 2017

2017-11-15 -- Deck of Cards (Mitchell Pain Edition)

Meet upstairs at 1610.

250m row
5 walkouts [ demo here ]

(An unpleasant variation, cooked up by Mitch)

Get a deck of cards, or this app.

The suit is the exercise. The number is the number of reps. 

This time around, face cards = 10 reps. Aces = 1 rep.

Spades = Kettlebell swings

Clubs = Toes to bar*
* After the first couple of face cards, we scaled down twice -- first by switching to knees to elbows, then by doing toes to bar for any card numbered 5 and lower and situps for any card numbered 6 and higher

Hearts = Box jumps

Diamonds = Medball cleans
[ official demo here, though frankly we just picked up the ball and tossed it over our shoulder, which probably ended up looking more like this  ]

1st Joker = 5 laps around the atrium

2nd Joker = 10 burpees

Reshuffle the deck, draw a random card. Do DOUBLE the number of reps for whatever exercise you pull.

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