Friday, June 24, 2016

Intermittent Fasting--more like a pattern of eating than a diet...

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool. We talk about what we are eating, but are we talking enough about how we are eating?  We think not--although clearly what you eat is very important.  When you’re in a fed state, the body has to produce insulin to keep your blood sugar at a safe level. Insulin’s main job is to shuttle excess glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream over to the muscle, liver or fat cells for storage. But insulin doesn’t only take sugar out of the blood – it also increases fat storage.  For day shift and 3rd shifters, the LeanGains fast from 2000 to noon or similar is totally doable. Fourth and 1st shift will need to think about how they can get to fasting for 16 hours per day.  Water and black coffee are in during your fast.  Here are some links that can help you get more informed: 

James Clear


Nerd Fitness

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