CrossFit Firefight
Sorry that Blogger doesn't want to upload the video here, but this is a cool video sent by AJ from CrossFit's youtube channel. Lots of stuff to think about for police athletes.
Meet Coach Lisa upstairs at 1610 hours.
PVC Warmup
Strict Press
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Bench Press
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 5 minutes
10 Dumbell Push Press
10 Plyo Pushups
10 Burpees
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
2013-12-19 Deck of Cards
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
Row 250x2
1 deck of cards:
Clubs: Hand Release Pushups
Spades: Squats
Hearts: Dumbbell Rows
Diamonds: Situps
Make sure that everyone is done with the exercise before the next card is flipped or Geoff gets mad.
Row 250x2
1 deck of cards:
Clubs: Hand Release Pushups
Spades: Squats
Hearts: Dumbbell Rows
Diamonds: Situps
Make sure that everyone is done with the exercise before the next card is flipped or Geoff gets mad.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
2013-12-18 If You Could Only Do One Exercise
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
then 10 minutes in the bottom of the squat.
WHAT? Really.
K-star's first ever Mobility WOD
Maybe the Turkish Get Up Is the Answer to "If You Could Only Do One Exercise"
Then TGU technique work for 10 minutes:
If the movement is difficult for you, no weight or a PVC pipe.
Add weight and difficulty:
Heavier Kettlebell
Try a Dumbbell
Progress to an Olympic Bar
Add Weight to the Oly Bar
then for time:
Finally, there are still folks at CCSO that have not heard of CrossFit Indomitable and/or have never tried it. There are plenty of WODs posted here and the gym is open 24 hours a day. Grab one of those people after a shift or before a shift or on a day off and work out together or bring them to an organized workout. If that sounds too scary, Julie over at CrossFit Timber (King/Linwood) will give a free month membership to any police officer and essentially all CrossFit boxes will give you a discount for being in law enforcement, fire, or the military.
PVC Warmup
then 10 minutes in the bottom of the squat.
WHAT? Really.
Maybe the Turkish Get Up Is the Answer to "If You Could Only Do One Exercise"
Then TGU technique work for 10 minutes:
If the movement is difficult for you, no weight or a PVC pipe.
Add weight and difficulty:
Heavier Kettlebell
Try a Dumbbell
Progress to an Olympic Bar
Add Weight to the Oly Bar
then for time:
Finally, there are still folks at CCSO that have not heard of CrossFit Indomitable and/or have never tried it. There are plenty of WODs posted here and the gym is open 24 hours a day. Grab one of those people after a shift or before a shift or on a day off and work out together or bring them to an organized workout. If that sounds too scary, Julie over at CrossFit Timber (King/Linwood) will give a free month membership to any police officer and essentially all CrossFit boxes will give you a discount for being in law enforcement, fire, or the military.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
2013-12-17 Death by Kettlebell Swings
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours (unless you are attending the wellness meeting in which case you might be on your own)
10 jogging laps of the center atrium with 1-10 pushups on each lap--as in 1 the first lap, increasing by one with each lap.
Death by Kettlebell Swings
1-3-5-7-9-11 and so on (70/53)
Buyout: Row 3 minutes for distance
10 jogging laps of the center atrium with 1-10 pushups on each lap--as in 1 the first lap, increasing by one with each lap.
Death by Kettlebell Swings
1-3-5-7-9-11 and so on (70/53)
Buyout: Row 3 minutes for distance
Monday, December 16, 2013
2013-12-16 C+J and Burpees
Meet upstairs at 1610
Row 500m
250 single unders
Squat hold
EMOM 10 minutes:
3 clean and jerk
AMRAP 7 minutes:
30 second plank hold
20 burpees
Finally, for those that do not have a schedule or life that allows you to come in at 1610 or to work out at a commercial box, here is an article about CF on your own or with small groups. It was great to see 4th shifter AJ working on OHS and back squat in the background as Sheriff Roberts talked about wellness at the SO. That's the idea. We are forging warriors. Please read on.
Article from Military Times
Row 500m
250 single unders
Squat hold
EMOM 10 minutes:
3 clean and jerk
AMRAP 7 minutes:
30 second plank hold
20 burpees
Finally, for those that do not have a schedule or life that allows you to come in at 1610 or to work out at a commercial box, here is an article about CF on your own or with small groups. It was great to see 4th shifter AJ working on OHS and back squat in the background as Sheriff Roberts talked about wellness at the SO. That's the idea. We are forging warriors. Please read on.
Article from Military Times
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Hopefully if you have interest in sleep you have already listened to the podcast that was linked here on 12-10-13. Sleep is more critical to our health and long term success in law enforcement than even nutrition or exercise. You need to get enough sleep. It may be that you can hack our freaky schedules with some of the ideas from this info graphic:
If you have more info on sleep and how it relates to shift work, please share directly with one of the CrossFit coaches or send it to
If you have more info on sleep and how it relates to shift work, please share directly with one of the CrossFit coaches or send it to
Thursday, December 12, 2013
2013-12-12 Back Squats and an AMRAP
Meet upstairs at 1610.
Bear Crawls
Baby Elephant
Toe Touches
High Knees
Back Squat:
5, 5, 3, 3, 1
AMRAP 10 minutes:
10 Box Jumps
20 KBS
40 Situps
Bear Crawls
Baby Elephant
Toe Touches
High Knees
Back Squat:
5, 5, 3, 3, 1
AMRAP 10 minutes:
10 Box Jumps
20 KBS
40 Situps
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
2013-12-11 Deadlifts
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
10 laps running the atrium
10, 10, 5, 5, 5
Three rounds of:
1 minute ME V-ups
1 minute ME dumbbell push press
1 minute ME dumbbell rows
1 minute ME plyo pushups
2 minutes rest between rounds
PVC Warmup
10 laps running the atrium
10, 10, 5, 5, 5
Three rounds of:
1 minute ME V-ups
1 minute ME dumbbell push press
1 minute ME dumbbell rows
1 minute ME plyo pushups
2 minutes rest between rounds
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
2013-12-10 Kettlebell Swings Goblet Squats and Sleep
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
5 rounds not for times of--
50 Single Unders
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 rounds)
5 KBS (70/53)
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 rounds)
3 Goblet Squats (70/53)
AMRAP 5 minutes
20 HR Pushups
20 Situps
Audio Interview About Sleep with Dan Pardi
PVC Warmup
5 rounds not for times of--
50 Single Unders
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 rounds)
5 KBS (70/53)
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 rounds)
3 Goblet Squats (70/53)
AMRAP 5 minutes
20 HR Pushups
20 Situps
Audio Interview About Sleep with Dan Pardi
Monday, December 9, 2013
2013-12-09 Med Ball Cleans and Burpee Deadlifts
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
Three rounds not for time of--
20 m bear crawl
Good Mornings
10, 10, 10
Teams of two:
EMOM 20 minutes
10 Med Ball Cleans
12 Burpee Deadlifts (w Kettlebells or Dumbbells)
Row 500m
PVC Warmup
Three rounds not for time of--
20 m bear crawl
Good Mornings
10, 10, 10
Teams of two:
EMOM 20 minutes
10 Med Ball Cleans
12 Burpee Deadlifts (w Kettlebells or Dumbbells)
Row 500m
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
Three rounds of 10 lunges and 10 pushups
Run route for a "lap:"
1) Bring your passcard
2) Run east through the building all the way to the stairs, down the stairs, down the north side of the building, detour to the outside workout area to do whatever you need to do there like maybe 12 pullups, up the stairs on the west end, then back into the gym
4 Rounds for time:
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Run 1 Lap
Stop at the pullup bars for 12 pullups
immediately after completing your 4 laps, do 100 situps, time stops when you complete your 100th situp.
PVC Warmup
Three rounds of 10 lunges and 10 pushups
Run route for a "lap:"
1) Bring your passcard
2) Run east through the building all the way to the stairs, down the stairs, down the north side of the building, detour to the outside workout area to do whatever you need to do there like maybe 12 pullups, up the stairs on the west end, then back into the gym
4 Rounds for time:
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Run 1 Lap
Stop at the pullup bars for 12 pullups
immediately after completing your 4 laps, do 100 situps, time stops when you complete your 100th situp.
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
6 laps of the center atrium...3 forward, 3 backward
EMOM 8 minutes:
7 Dumbbell Push Press
EMOM 8 minutes:
8 Power Cleans
EMOM 8 Minutes:
12 weighted situps

PVC Warmup
6 laps of the center atrium...3 forward, 3 backward
EMOM 8 minutes:
7 Dumbbell Push Press
EMOM 8 minutes:
8 Power Cleans
EMOM 8 Minutes:
12 weighted situps
Monday, December 2, 2013
December has arrived and it's going to get a little chilly, have something warm in case we go outside.
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours.
PVC warmup
5 minutes of double under work
AMRAP 15 minutes:
20 HR Pushups
50 Squats
(from Thanksgiving's WOD on
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours.
PVC warmup
5 minutes of double under work
AMRAP 15 minutes:
20 HR Pushups
50 Squats
(from Thanksgiving's WOD on
Friday, November 29, 2013
Air Squat with Spealler
If you have a minute between shoplifters at the CTC and crashes on 82nd, this video about the squat is short and great. Squats are an antidote to too much turkey and pumpkin pie.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
It's almost Friday!
Great effort by everyone yesterday. It was fun to watch.
Today's WOD is borrowed from the fine folks at Crossfit PFB in Sandy, OR
Warm-up is a 400 and group stretch
5 Rounds for time
Run 400
20 Burpees
15 KBS 53/35
25 minute time limit for completion
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610.
The weather man says it's going to be nice!
Men need a 45 pound plate; women 25. You may need to bring them down.
Warm up with a 400, followed by 5 lunges on each leg and 10 PVC pass throughs.
50m lunges (All lunges done with weight locked out overhead )
21 T2B
Run 400
50m lunges
15 T2B
Run 400
50m lunges
9 T2B
Run 400
(Estimate 25 meters from the pull up bars so you can do lunges out and back from the bars)
Monday, November 18, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
Warm up with the jump rope.
100 DU or 200 SU. Make at least 20 attempts to string some together. Stretch as a group.
5 Rounds for Time
6- Strict Shoulder Press 95/65
12-Med Ball Clean 14/20
Happy Monday!
Meet downstairs at 1410hrs
400 meter run for a warmup
Back squat 5-5-3-1, working toward one rep max
10 minute AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 HR push ups
15 SDHP 53/35
Thursday, November 14, 2013
2013-11-14 Celebration of Life
Today 1000s of officers from the NW will be joining Robert Libke's family and the community for a celebration of his life. The whole CrossFit community stands with our brothers and sisters at CrossFit 1850 as they mourn, heal, and celebrate.
If you need a workout today, consider doing a hero WOD. Randy is named after another officer who fell in the line of duty, Officer Randy Simmons of the LAPD.
If you need a workout today, consider doing a hero WOD. Randy is named after another officer who fell in the line of duty, Officer Randy Simmons of the LAPD.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
500 single unders
Three rounds of:
1 minute of ME pushups
rest 30 seconds
1 minute of ME plyo pushups
reset 30 seconds
1 minute ME of squats
rest 30 seconds
1 minute ME of box jumps
rest 30 seconds
1 minute ME situps
rest 30 seconds
1 minute ME V-ups
rest three minutes
PVC Warmup
500 single unders
Three rounds of:
1 minute of ME pushups
rest 30 seconds
1 minute of ME plyo pushups
reset 30 seconds
1 minute ME of squats
rest 30 seconds
1 minute ME of box jumps
rest 30 seconds
1 minute ME situps
rest 30 seconds
1 minute ME V-ups
rest three minutes
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
This week is likely to be a good test of your ability to manage your available workout time and your network of fellow CrossFitters to get your WOD on when you can as everyone prepares for Thursday's celebration of life for OCPD Officer Robert Libke. Thanks to those that have been working tirelessly to make this an appropriate event to reflect such enormous sacrifice.
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
Row 500m
Front squat
5, 5, 5, 20
AMRAP 8 minutes
16 burpees
12 squats
8 dumbbell push press
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
Row 500m
Front squat
5, 5, 5, 20
AMRAP 8 minutes
16 burpees
12 squats
8 dumbbell push press
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
3 rounds not for time of--
1 minute plank
10 walking lunges
Tabata This:
(Straight Through--10 seconds between each round)
This has been a stressful week for lots of folks around here. This is a good time to have a solid routine that you can stick with to maintain your nutrition and WODs. Don't forget sleep! Here is a post from the Psychology WOD that is a good reminder that sleep is not just rest: Get Better While You Sleep
PVC Warmup
3 rounds not for time of--
1 minute plank
10 walking lunges
Tabata This:
(Straight Through--10 seconds between each round)
This has been a stressful week for lots of folks around here. This is a good time to have a solid routine that you can stick with to maintain your nutrition and WODs. Don't forget sleep! Here is a post from the Psychology WOD that is a good reminder that sleep is not just rest: Get Better While You Sleep
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
Three rounds not for time of
--10 PVC OHS
--20 m bear crawl
Row 1000m for time
Run 800m for time
Row 500m for time
Run 400m for time
Rest time is the transition up and down the stairs. If you have to wait for a rower, tell those rowing to hurry, because you are doing 10 KBS every minute on the minute while you wait!
PVC Warmup
Three rounds not for time of
--10 PVC OHS
--20 m bear crawl
Row 1000m for time
Run 800m for time
Row 500m for time
Run 400m for time
Rest time is the transition up and down the stairs. If you have to wait for a rower, tell those rowing to hurry, because you are doing 10 KBS every minute on the minute while you wait!
Monday, November 4, 2013
2013-11-04 End of Watch
Tremendous sadness at the passing today of Officer Robert Libke of the Oregon City Police.
This second picture take by Oregonian reporter Steve Mayes on
Halloween 2013 of Officer Libke passing out candy to the kids.
“I am deeply saddened to hear that Officer Robert Libke has died from injuries sustained in the line of duty. Officer Libke protected and served his fellow citizens, and the bravery and professionalism he brought to the Oregon City Police Department was matched only by his commitment to his community. I am humbled by his sacrifice and courage, and my thoughts are with his family, his friends, and his fellow Oregon City police officers.”
Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber
This second picture take by Oregonian reporter Steve Mayes on
Halloween 2013 of Officer Libke passing out candy to the kids.
“I am deeply saddened to hear that Officer Robert Libke has died from injuries sustained in the line of duty. Officer Libke protected and served his fellow citizens, and the bravery and professionalism he brought to the Oregon City Police Department was matched only by his commitment to his community. I am humbled by his sacrifice and courage, and my thoughts are with his family, his friends, and his fellow Oregon City police officers.”
Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber
Sunday, November 3, 2013
2013-11-03 Thoughts and Prayers
Our thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters with Oregon City Police and CrossFit 1850. We are especially concerned for the family of the officer shot today in Oregon City and we are all hoping for the best.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Halloween 2013
Meet upstairs at noon. It's Halloween, so talk amongst yourselves to see if there is interest in a 1610 class.
PVC Warmup
3 sets of stairs from top to bottom to top. 1st one walking, 2nd one fast walk or slow jog, 3rd running.
Dumbbell Sotts Press 10, 10, 10
Death by Man Makers
Every minute add one more man maker, starting with one.
Meet upstairs at noon. It's Halloween, so talk amongst yourselves to see if there is interest in a 1610 class.
PVC Warmup
3 sets of stairs from top to bottom to top. 1st one walking, 2nd one fast walk or slow jog, 3rd running.
Dumbbell Sotts Press 10, 10, 10
Death by Man Makers
Every minute add one more man maker, starting with one.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
3 rounds not for time--
20 m walking lunges
25 jumping jacks
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME squats 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
Plank 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME knees to elbows 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME situps 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME KB Around the World 120 seconds (60 seconds each direction)
Then do this...
PVC Warmup
3 rounds not for time--
20 m walking lunges
25 jumping jacks
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME squats 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
Plank 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME knees to elbows 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME situps 120 seconds
rest 60 seconds
Run 400m
rest 60 seconds
ME KB Around the World 120 seconds (60 seconds each direction)
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
3 rounds not for time of:
15m bear crawl
5 burpees
Dumbbell Row
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
For time:
5 rounds of
Run 200m
10 squats
10 HR pushups
PVC Warmup
3 rounds not for time of:
15m bear crawl
5 burpees
Dumbbell Row
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
For time:
5 rounds of
Run 200m
10 squats
10 HR pushups
Monday, October 28, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
1-10! Jumping Jacks with a 10 second plank between each set
A riff on today's mainsite WOD "Morrison:"
Box jumps
Kettlebell Swings
PVC Warmup
1-10! Jumping Jacks with a 10 second plank between each set
A riff on today's mainsite WOD "Morrison:"
Box jumps
Kettlebell Swings
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Sleep, Not Optional
If you happen to not ever have difficulty sleeping and you have perfect sleep habits and the perfect schedule, then this probably doesn't matter much to you. However, in law enforcement, years of shift work, callouts, and extra hours worked make sleep and fatigue management critical. Huffington Post has an article today about sleep that is interesting.
Sarah Klein article from Huffington Post
Here is another HP article from last year:
"We know that sleep deprivation results in impaired performance both cognitively, physically and emotionally, which can impact decision-making and response time, which are crucial to high stress professions such as law enforcement," Dr. Nanci Yang, a Stanford University professor not directly involved in the study, told ABC News. "It is paramount to public safety that it be addressed."
Police Shift Work and Sleep
Sarah Klein article from Huffington Post
Here is another HP article from last year:
"We know that sleep deprivation results in impaired performance both cognitively, physically and emotionally, which can impact decision-making and response time, which are crucial to high stress professions such as law enforcement," Dr. Nanci Yang, a Stanford University professor not directly involved in the study, told ABC News. "It is paramount to public safety that it be addressed."
Police Shift Work and Sleep
Thursday, October 24, 2013
PVC Warmup
Run 800 meters
Two Person Team EMOM 20 minutes:
Each minute the team does
--9 Wall Balls (20/14)
--15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
switch exercises each minute
It is worth noting that things are changing for the better when you call records and the first thing the records clerk asks is why the WOD is not up yet. Good job Matt!!!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
Three rounds not for time of:
20 KBS
20 Halos (10 in each direction)
20 Around the World (10 in each direction)
5 pullups
10 pushups (if you are inclined to cheat on full range of motion is, do hand release.)
15 squats
PVC Warmup
Three rounds not for time of:
20 KBS
20 Halos (10 in each direction)
20 Around the World (10 in each direction)
5 pullups
10 pushups (if you are inclined to cheat on full range of motion is, do hand release.)
15 squats
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC warmup
Run 400m
Front squat
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Push press
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 5 minutes
11 pullups
15 KBS (53/35)
PVC warmup
Run 400m
Front squat
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Push press
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 5 minutes
11 pullups
15 KBS (53/35)
Monday, October 21, 2013
CrossFit and how much you need to be GPP
Are you generally phyically prepared (GPP)? In this line of work, that includes exposure to vehicle crashes--some very severe.
From CrossFit Tactical Strength:
"The conversations that I had with the medical staff were all very similar. I was told, usually in this order; ‘You’re lucky to be alive.’ then, ‘If you weren’t in the condition that you are, you would have died.’ I was told that after the accident, paramedics and hospital staff were continually checking my blood pressure. Later I found out that my blood pressure did not fluctuate the way it normally would in an incident with such traumatic injuries. The reason why I maintained the blood pressure that I did was because of my level of conditioning."
Read the whole article here.
From CrossFit Tactical Strength:
"The conversations that I had with the medical staff were all very similar. I was told, usually in this order; ‘You’re lucky to be alive.’ then, ‘If you weren’t in the condition that you are, you would have died.’ I was told that after the accident, paramedics and hospital staff were continually checking my blood pressure. Later I found out that my blood pressure did not fluctuate the way it normally would in an incident with such traumatic injuries. The reason why I maintained the blood pressure that I did was because of my level of conditioning."
Read the whole article here.
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
10 sets of:
10 second lunge on each side
1 squat
1 standing long jump
Teams of three accomplish the following work in order:
run 800 m
AMRAP 1 minute of squats (1 team member works at a time--this takes three minutes because each athlete does a full minute of work)
run 400 m
AMRAP 1 minute of thrusters with a 45 pound bar
run 400 m
AMRAP 1 minute of push press with a 45 pound bar
run 400 m
AMRAP 1 minute 20' box jumps
run 400m
AMRAP 1 minute of HR pushups
PVC Warmup
10 sets of:
10 second lunge on each side
1 squat
1 standing long jump
Teams of three accomplish the following work in order:
run 800 m
AMRAP 1 minute of squats (1 team member works at a time--this takes three minutes because each athlete does a full minute of work)
run 400 m
AMRAP 1 minute of thrusters with a 45 pound bar
run 400 m
AMRAP 1 minute of push press with a 45 pound bar
run 400 m
AMRAP 1 minute 20' box jumps
run 400m
AMRAP 1 minute of HR pushups
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC warmup
Three rounds of:
20 m bear crawl
15 jumping jacks
6 rounds of:
Run 400 m
rest 120 seconds
PVC warmup
Three rounds of:
20 m bear crawl
15 jumping jacks
6 rounds of:
Run 400 m
rest 120 seconds
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC warmup
Run 400 m
Deadlift 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 12 minutes
5 Ring Dips
7 Wall Ball
9 Burpees
PVC warmup
Run 400 m
Deadlift 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 12 minutes
5 Ring Dips
7 Wall Ball
9 Burpees
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
50 4 count mountain climbers
For time:
three rounds of--
21 goblet squats (70/53)
30 HR pushups
hold plank for exactly 120 seconds
ME chest to bar pullups
PVC Warmup
50 4 count mountain climbers
For time:
three rounds of--
21 goblet squats (70/53)
30 HR pushups
hold plank for exactly 120 seconds
ME chest to bar pullups
_________ season is coming up. Good time to squat.
"The squat is the quintessential hip extension exercise, and hip extension is the foundation of all good human movement." @CrossFit
Monday, October 14, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours.
PVC Warmup
10 squats with a 10 second "exploratory" pause at the bottom
20 squats AFAP
EMOM 10 minutes:
5 one hand dumbbell snatches with each hand
AMRAP 7 minutes:
7 burpees
5 jumping lunges (5 on each leg)
PVC Warmup
10 squats with a 10 second "exploratory" pause at the bottom
20 squats AFAP
EMOM 10 minutes:
5 one hand dumbbell snatches with each hand
AMRAP 7 minutes:
7 burpees
5 jumping lunges (5 on each leg)
Friday, October 11, 2013
We could all have better mobility and flexibility. This weekend spend some time working on your squat and all the flexibility needed for full range of motion in the squat. Spending the week sitting at a desk or in a car is not helpful, so we have to fight it. Good luck and great work this week.
Nerd Fitness Article About Squatting
Breaking Muscle Article About Movement
If you are not sure how deep a squat should be, watch Klokov.
Nerd Fitness Article About Squatting
Breaking Muscle Article About Movement
If you are not sure how deep a squat should be, watch Klokov.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
Plank 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for 5 minutes (or just hold plank for 5 minutes if you like).
1 deck of cards:
Clubs: Hand Release Pushups
Spades: Squats
Hearts: KBS 53/35
Diamonds: Situps
Jokers: Run stairs from top to bottom x3
PVC Warmup
Plank 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for 5 minutes (or just hold plank for 5 minutes if you like).
1 deck of cards:
Clubs: Hand Release Pushups
Spades: Squats
Hearts: KBS 53/35
Diamonds: Situps
Jokers: Run stairs from top to bottom x3
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Programming Note:
Gymnastics is a critical component of the CrossFit prescription of constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity. If a gymnastics movement, for example forward rolls, is programmed and you don't want to do it your options are either to do it or not do it, but if you don't, you must promise everyone that you will never fall down during a foot pursuit, end up on the ground during a fight, or roll your car and have to crawl out from a car that is sitting on the lightbar. We promise you to not program twerking, whatever that might be.
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
25 Squats with three second pause at the bottom.
Dumbell Press
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Dumbell Row
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Sprint 10x100m w 90 seconds rest between sprints.
Gymnastics is a critical component of the CrossFit prescription of constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity. If a gymnastics movement, for example forward rolls, is programmed and you don't want to do it your options are either to do it or not do it, but if you don't, you must promise everyone that you will never fall down during a foot pursuit, end up on the ground during a fight, or roll your car and have to crawl out from a car that is sitting on the lightbar. We promise you to not program twerking, whatever that might be.
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
25 Squats with three second pause at the bottom.
Dumbell Press
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Dumbell Row
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Sprint 10x100m w 90 seconds rest between sprints.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
30 seconds on the Airdyne (rototate through during the warmup)
Three rounds not for time of:
5 burpees
5 hand release pushups
10 jumping jacks
For time:
4 rounds of--
5 forward rolls
10 AbMat situps
20 walking lunges
run building loop of down the west side stairs, across the back of the building, up the east stairs, and back to the indoor gym
PVC Warmup
30 seconds on the Airdyne (rototate through during the warmup)
Three rounds not for time of:
5 burpees
5 hand release pushups
10 jumping jacks
For time:
4 rounds of--
5 forward rolls
10 AbMat situps
20 walking lunges
run building loop of down the west side stairs, across the back of the building, up the east stairs, and back to the indoor gym
Monday, October 7, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610.
PVC Warmup
10 Slow Motion Grasshoppers (1 on each side).
Three events for time, each timed separately:
Row 1000 m
100 KBS (53/35)
100 Thrusters with a 45 pound bar
PVC Warmup
10 Slow Motion Grasshoppers (1 on each side).
Three events for time, each timed separately:
Row 1000 m
100 KBS (53/35)
100 Thrusters with a 45 pound bar
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Redefining Things
how we look at things.
And this is funny.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
500 Single Unders
1st minute: 5 Dumbell Squat Clean & Jerk
2nd minute: 10 KBS
3rd minute: Row 250 m
PVC Warmup
500 Single Unders
1st minute: 5 Dumbell Squat Clean & Jerk
2nd minute: 10 KBS
3rd minute: Row 250 m
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Meet upstairs for the warmup at 1610
PVC Warmup (Coach Lisa will go over this)
30 side lunges with a three second hold on each side
Move downstairs
EMOM 10 minutes
3 hang cleans and 1 jerk
AMRAP 5 minutes
7 pullups
12 situps
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610--where is that famous Oregon Indian Summer?
25 Passthroughs with the PVC
Three rounds not for time--
10 hand release pushups with a three second hold at the top and and at the bottom
10 jumping lunges
10 walking lunges
30 second plank hold (yes that's for time, but you don't have to do it in a hurry)
1 set of ME strict pullups
For this WOD the "Loop" is the 4th floor square with the giant opening in the middle.
For time:
25 burpees
bear crawl loop
25 burpees
walking lunges loop
25 burpees
crab walk loop
25 burpees
farmer walk loop
25 burpees
Buyout: 1 set of ME strict pullups
Alternate Workout:
If you can do this instead you will be fine.
25 Passthroughs with the PVC
Three rounds not for time--
10 hand release pushups with a three second hold at the top and and at the bottom
10 jumping lunges
10 walking lunges
30 second plank hold (yes that's for time, but you don't have to do it in a hurry)
1 set of ME strict pullups
For this WOD the "Loop" is the 4th floor square with the giant opening in the middle.
For time:
25 burpees
bear crawl loop
25 burpees
walking lunges loop
25 burpees
crab walk loop
25 burpees
farmer walk loop
25 burpees
Buyout: 1 set of ME strict pullups
Alternate Workout:
Monday, September 30, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610.
Not for time--
25 pass throughs with the PVC
then three rounds of
10 PVC OHS with a 3 second pause
10 PVC back squat with a 3 second pause
10 walking lunges
Team WOD--teams of three
7 rounds of:
1 minute of max effort row on the C2
1 minute of max effort dumbell push press
1 minute of holding at the bottom of the squat
Not for time--
25 pass throughs with the PVC
then three rounds of
10 PVC OHS with a 3 second pause
10 PVC back squat with a 3 second pause
10 walking lunges
Team WOD--teams of three
7 rounds of:
1 minute of max effort row on the C2
1 minute of max effort dumbell push press
1 minute of holding at the bottom of the squat
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
25 passthroughs with PVC
50 hammer strikes on the tire
5 TGU each side with a light-ish kettlebell
Skill work:
For time:
100 KBS (53/35)
400m run
50 KBS
400m run
25 KBS
400m run
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
25 passthroughs with PVC
25 OHS with PVC
then with a partner watching to make sure you don't crash into anything--100 jumping jacks with your eyes closed--switch places.
For time:
Hand release pushups
Back squat 135/95
Warm up:
25 passthroughs with PVC
25 OHS with PVC
then with a partner watching to make sure you don't crash into anything--100 jumping jacks with your eyes closed--switch places.
For time:
Hand release pushups
Back squat 135/95
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
In teams of two--
50 med ball squats with a pass (25 each)
50 med ball lateral passes in each direction (25 each)
400 m run with the med ball (split the carrying)
Skill: Turkish Get Up (TGU)
Spend 5 minutes on TGU skill and then perform 10 perfect TGU each side unbroken with the appropriate weight for you.
For time:
Weighted Overhead Lunges (45/25) left and right knee touch is 1 rep.
In teams of two--
50 med ball squats with a pass (25 each)
50 med ball lateral passes in each direction (25 each)
400 m run with the med ball (split the carrying)
Skill: Turkish Get Up (TGU)
Spend 5 minutes on TGU skill and then perform 10 perfect TGU each side unbroken with the appropriate weight for you.
For time:
Weighted Overhead Lunges (45/25) left and right knee touch is 1 rep.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours.
25 pass throughs w PVC
Run 400m with the PVC pipe. Every 100 m 15 OHS with PVC (total of four sets)
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 15 minutes:
20 box jumps
3 Rounds of Cindy
25 pass throughs w PVC
Run 400m with the PVC pipe. Every 100 m 15 OHS with PVC (total of four sets)
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 15 minutes:
20 box jumps
3 Rounds of Cindy
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
500 Single Unders
and three rounds of
7 pushups
7 squats (with a 7 second pause at the bottom)
7 burpees
Skill work:
5 minutes working on double unders
rest exactly three minutes between runs
500 Single Unders
and three rounds of
7 pushups
7 squats (with a 7 second pause at the bottom)
7 burpees
Skill work:
5 minutes working on double unders
rest exactly three minutes between runs
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
2013-09-18 Benchmark WOD: Karen
Meet downstairs at 1610
Max Effort
Strict Pullups
Strict Chinups
(In that order, rest 3 minutes between efforts)
For time:
150 Wall Ball
Full squat on each rep and hit your target
Max Effort
Strict Pullups
Strict Chinups
(In that order, rest 3 minutes between efforts)
For time:
150 Wall Ball
Full squat on each rep and hit your target
Meet downstairs at 1610
Sumo deadlift
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Partner WOD:
1st Partner: 19 hammer strikes on the tire
2nd Partner: 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
everyone is working each minute, switch places every minute
Sumo deadlift
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Partner WOD:
1st Partner: 19 hammer strikes on the tire
2nd Partner: 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
everyone is working each minute, switch places every minute
Monday, September 16, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
AMRAP 20 minutes of
7 Power snatch (95/65)
11 Ring dips
17 Box jumps (20 inch box)
AMRAP 20 minutes of
7 Power snatch (95/65)
11 Ring dips
17 Box jumps (20 inch box)
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
For time:
Double unders
If you are not doing double unders yet 3x1 singles.
For time:
Double unders
If you are not doing double unders yet 3x1 singles.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610.
Power Clean
7, 7, 5, 5, 3, 3
AMRAP 15 minutes
Run 800 meters then for the remaining time
9 pullups
11 Wall Balls
9 Kettlebell Swings
11 Situps
Buyout: Run the stairs x5 carrying something heavy while remembering the firefighters that climbed the towers carrying a whole bunch more weight.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
Hand Release Pushups
rest three minutes
10x100m with 90 second rest between sprints
rest three mintues
Hand Release Pushups
rest three minutes
10x100m with 90 second rest between sprints
rest three mintues
Monday, September 9, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
Front Squat
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Partner WOD
AMRAP 12 minutes
One handed kettlebell clean and jerk
Run 400 meters
One partner does one handed C+J continuously (switching hands as needed) while your partner runs 400.
And if you need some inspiration, here is an amazing athlete who brings the humility.
Front Squat
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Partner WOD
AMRAP 12 minutes
One handed kettlebell clean and jerk
Run 400 meters
One partner does one handed C+J continuously (switching hands as needed) while your partner runs 400.
And if you need some inspiration, here is an amazing athlete who brings the humility.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
GPP Achievements
On 9-6-13 CrossFit Indomitable athlete Sergeant Robert Wurpes was promoted to blue belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. The combination of combatives like BJJ and CrossFit is super functional, powerfully job related, and makes Rob very formidable.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
Two handed dumbell row
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
For time:
25 burpees
run downstairs
5 pullups
run upstairs
20 burpees
run downstairs
10 pullups
run upstairs
15 burpees
run downstairs
15 pullups
run upstairs
10 burpees
run downstairs
20 pullups
run upstairs
5 burpees
run downstairs
25 pullups
run upstairs
Two handed dumbell row
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
For time:
25 burpees
run downstairs
5 pullups
run upstairs
20 burpees
run downstairs
10 pullups
run upstairs
15 burpees
run downstairs
15 pullups
run upstairs
10 burpees
run downstairs
20 pullups
run upstairs
5 burpees
run downstairs
25 pullups
run upstairs
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610.
Not for time:
Kettlebell One Handed Sots Press
10, 10, 5, 5 (each hand)
Kettlebell One Handed Press
10, 10, 10 (each hand)
Kettlebell Two Handed Push Press
10, 10, 10
4x400m with 90 seconds between runs.
Tabata Squats
Not for time:
Kettlebell One Handed Sots Press
10, 10, 5, 5 (each hand)
Kettlebell One Handed Press
10, 10, 10 (each hand)
Kettlebell Two Handed Push Press
10, 10, 10
4x400m with 90 seconds between runs.
Tabata Squats
Monday, September 2, 2013
Meet downstairs at 1610
Zercher Squat
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 5 minutes the couplet of:
Hand Release Pushups
Strict Pullups
start with 1, 1 and add one more rep for each round to go as high as you can in the five minutes
rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 3 minutes the couplet of:
KBS (70/53)
Jumping Lunges (lunge on both legs counts as one)
same rep scheme as above except three minutes
Zercher Squat
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 5 minutes the couplet of:
Hand Release Pushups
Strict Pullups
start with 1, 1 and add one more rep for each round to go as high as you can in the five minutes
rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 3 minutes the couplet of:
KBS (70/53)
Jumping Lunges (lunge on both legs counts as one)
same rep scheme as above except three minutes
Happy Labor Day
Lift something heavy and enjoy your family.
Check tomorrow as we get back to work. The summer is over and all our problems are solved.
Check tomorrow as we get back to work. The summer is over and all our problems are solved.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Hotshots 19--Donate and do the WOD or just donate
The CrossFit community is coming together to support the families of the 19 fallen firefighters from Arizona. This is a great cause. Lots of boxes are running the WOD today and tomorrow. Get out there and do the WOD, even if you have to do it in your garage, and then hit the donate button on the link below. Many of these families are not getting the help you would expect, so they need our assistance.
One of those that died in June was West Linn High School graduate John Percin Jr. More.
DONATE HERE to the Hotshots
Six rounds for time:
30 Squats
19 Power cleans 135 lbs
7 Strict Pullups
Run 400 meters
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