Thursday, December 10th, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Run 10 laps around the atrium
5-5-5-3-3-1 Front Squats
4 Rounds of
1 minute of rowing
1 minute of KBS
1 minute of situps
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
2015-12-09 Deck of Cards
Wednesday, December 9th, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
Run half mile on the treadmill
Row 500 meters
Deck of Cards:
Clubs: Med ball cleans
Spades: Box jumps
Hearts: Pushups
Meet upstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
Run half mile on the treadmill
Row 500 meters
Deck of Cards:
Clubs: Med ball cleans
Spades: Box jumps
Hearts: Pushups
Monday, December 7, 2015
2015-12-07 "Jack"
Monday, December 7th, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 slow squats
Hold in plank for one minute
Bench press 5-5-3-3
20 minute AMRAP of
10 push press (75/115)
10 KBS (35/53)
10 Box jumps
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 slow squats
Hold in plank for one minute
Bench press 5-5-3-3
20 minute AMRAP of
10 push press (75/115)
10 KBS (35/53)
10 Box jumps
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
2015-12-01 Sprints
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
Bring your key card
Run the building circuit (to east stairwell, down, across, up west stairwell)
20 pushups
20 situps
20 squats
Run the building circuit carrying something like a dumbell, medball, or KB that you can manage without making a hole in the wall
Speed work:
Sprints 10x100m with 90 seconds rest between sprints
Bring your key card
Run the building circuit (to east stairwell, down, across, up west stairwell)
20 pushups
20 situps
20 squats
Run the building circuit carrying something like a dumbell, medball, or KB that you can manage without making a hole in the wall
Speed work:
Sprints 10x100m with 90 seconds rest between sprints
Monday, November 30, 2015
5 laps of the center atrium. 2 burpees on the first lap, add to each lap.
1 lap of bear crawl
4 events for time, any order, rest as needed between events:
Row 1000 meters
100 squats
100 pushups
100 KBS
5 laps of the center atrium. 2 burpees on the first lap, add to each lap.
1 lap of bear crawl
4 events for time, any order, rest as needed between events:
Row 1000 meters
100 squats
100 pushups
100 KBS
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
2015-11-24 Presses
Tuesday, 11-24-2015
Meet upstairs at 1610
3 Rounds for time with kettlebell
20 Goblet squats
20 HR Pushups
1 Set of stairs with KB in hand
Meet upstairs at 1610
3 Rounds for time with kettlebell
20 Goblet squats
20 HR Pushups
1 Set of stairs with KB in hand
Monday, November 23, 2015
2015-11-23 AMRAP 15
Monday, November 23rd, 2015
Meet upstairs
Warm up:
200 single unders
250 meter row
Run a half mile on the treadmill
Go downstairs for the WOD
15 minute AMRAP of:
15 Pullups
15 Wall balls
15 Snatches 75/55
15 Box jumps
Meet upstairs
Warm up:
200 single unders
250 meter row
Run a half mile on the treadmill
Go downstairs for the WOD
15 minute AMRAP of:
15 Pullups
15 Wall balls
15 Snatches 75/55
15 Box jumps
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
2015-11-19 AMRAP DUO
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warm up
Run 400
50 Meter walking lunge
PVC Pass Through
Strength Work
Clean and Jerk 3-3-2-2-1 Working toward a 1RM
6 minute AMRAP, increasing reps by 1 each round
Clean and Jerk at 75% of 1RM
Toes to Bar
Rest 5 Minutes
6 minute AMRAP
Wall Balls
50 meter shuttle run (same space we use for weighted lunges)
Meet downstairs for the warm up
Run 400
50 Meter walking lunge
PVC Pass Through
Strength Work
Clean and Jerk 3-3-2-2-1 Working toward a 1RM
6 minute AMRAP, increasing reps by 1 each round
Clean and Jerk at 75% of 1RM
Toes to Bar
Rest 5 Minutes
6 minute AMRAP
Wall Balls
50 meter shuttle run (same space we use for weighted lunges)
2015-11-18 Fifties
Wednesday, November 18th
Meet upstairs for the warmup
200 Single unders
10 Squats
10 Lunches on each side
10 PVC Pass throughs
10 PVC Good mornings
Snatch grip deadlift 3-3-3-3 at bodyweight
Move downstairs for the WOD
Sorta Filthy Fifty (You must finish all reps before moving on to next exercise)
50 Squats
50 HR Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
50 Thrusters 75/55
50 Situps
50 KBS
Meet upstairs for the warmup
200 Single unders
10 Squats
10 Lunches on each side
10 PVC Pass throughs
10 PVC Good mornings
Snatch grip deadlift 3-3-3-3 at bodyweight
Move downstairs for the WOD
Sorta Filthy Fifty (You must finish all reps before moving on to next exercise)
50 Squats
50 HR Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
50 Thrusters 75/55
50 Situps
50 KBS
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
2015-11-17 Thrusters and Man Makers
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Meet upstairs for the warmup:
2 Rounds
10 Jumping squats 10 Push ups 10 Sit ups 10 PVC pass throughs
1-10 Ascending Man Makers
10-1 Descending bar only thrusters
Meet upstairs for the warmup:
2 Rounds
10 Jumping squats 10 Push ups 10 Sit ups 10 PVC pass throughs
1-10 Ascending Man Makers
10-1 Descending bar only thrusters
Monday, November 16, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Meet upstairs for the warmup
Run 10 rounds of the atrium, followed by two rounds of
Bear Crawl
Baby Elephants
Walking Lunges
Broad Jump
Starting upstairs, 4 Rounds of:
Row 500
15 Burpees
Run downstairs
10 KB snatch
10 Pull ups
Meet upstairs for the warmup
Run 10 rounds of the atrium, followed by two rounds of
Bear Crawl
Baby Elephants
Walking Lunges
Broad Jump
Starting upstairs, 4 Rounds of:
Row 500
15 Burpees
Run downstairs
10 KB snatch
10 Pull ups
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
WOD FOR THURSDAY 11-12-2015 Deck of Cards
No WOD will be posted for today, Wednesday. The following is for Thursday, November 12th.
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up with a PVC stretch and a 400 meter run
Hearts: Pushups
Diamonds: KBS
Spades: Wall ball shots
Clubs: Situps
Jokers: 10 Burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up with a PVC stretch and a 400 meter run
Hearts: Pushups
Diamonds: KBS
Spades: Wall ball shots
Clubs: Situps
Jokers: 10 Burpees
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
2015-11-10 Stair running
Tuesday, November 10th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 slow squats
100 flutter kicks (50 each side)
Take a wall ball to the bottom of the west stairs
5 Rounds
10 wall ball shots at the bottom of the stairs
Run to the top of the stairs
10 pushups
Run to the workout area
10 KBS
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 slow squats
100 flutter kicks (50 each side)
Take a wall ball to the bottom of the west stairs
5 Rounds
10 wall ball shots at the bottom of the stairs
Run to the top of the stairs
10 pushups
Run to the workout area
10 KBS
Monday, November 9, 2015
2015-11-09 Snatches, clean and jerks, pull ups
Monday, November 9th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Then Shoulder press 5-5-5-3-3
12 Minute AMRAP of
3 Snatches
6 Clean and jerks
9 Pullups
100 single unders
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Then Shoulder press 5-5-5-3-3
12 Minute AMRAP of
3 Snatches
6 Clean and jerks
9 Pullups
100 single unders
Thursday, November 5, 2015
2015-11-05 "Christine"
Thursday, November 5th, 2015
Meet UPstairs at 1610
Warm up in the atrium with 2 rounds of
Jog one length
Crab walk one length
Bear crawl one length
Walking lunges one length
Meet back in upstairs gym for WOD
3 Rounds for time of
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlift
21 Box jumps or stepups
Meet UPstairs at 1610
Warm up in the atrium with 2 rounds of
Jog one length
Crab walk one length
Bear crawl one length
Walking lunges one length
Meet back in upstairs gym for WOD
3 Rounds for time of
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlift
21 Box jumps or stepups
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Wednesday, November 4th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
20 PVC pass throughs
20 med ball situps
10 superman
10 slow squats
100 single unders
4 Rounds
21 wall ball shots
18 box jumps
15 kbs
12 pullups
Meet downstairs at 1610
20 PVC pass throughs
20 med ball situps
10 superman
10 slow squats
100 single unders
4 Rounds
21 wall ball shots
18 box jumps
15 kbs
12 pullups
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
2015-11-03 Kettlebells
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Warm up with a 400, 10 Squat Jumps, 20 PVC Pass Through, 20 PVC OHS
25-15-10-5 all with #53/35 KB
KB Swing
Goblet Squat
Run 400 after the set of 25, 15 and 10, totalling three repetitions.
Warm up with a 400, 10 Squat Jumps, 20 PVC Pass Through, 20 PVC OHS
25-15-10-5 all with #53/35 KB
KB Swing
Goblet Squat
Run 400 after the set of 25, 15 and 10, totalling three repetitions.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 and warm up with the following:
2 Rounds
10 Wall Squats
10 Med Ball DL
10 Sit ups
10 Push Ups
Back Squat
3-3-3-3-3 at 80% of 1RM
3 Rounds for time
10 Ring Dips
20 Med Ball Sit Ups
50 Meter Overhead Weighted Lunge
Meet downstairs at 1610 and warm up with the following:
2 Rounds
10 Wall Squats
10 Med Ball DL
10 Sit ups
10 Push Ups
Back Squat
3-3-3-3-3 at 80% of 1RM
3 Rounds for time
10 Ring Dips
20 Med Ball Sit Ups
50 Meter Overhead Weighted Lunge
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
2015-10-28 Partner WOD
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 and warm up with two rounds of:
10 Wall Balls
10 Push Ups
10 Pass Through
10 Pass Arounds
With a partner, complete the following:
150 Burpee Pull Ups
2000 meter row
Break up the work in any order that works with your partner, with one exception....neither partner may row more than 500 meters in one sitting without changing positions.
Meet downstairs at 1610 and warm up with two rounds of:
10 Wall Balls
10 Push Ups
10 Pass Through
10 Pass Arounds
With a partner, complete the following:
150 Burpee Pull Ups
2000 meter row
Break up the work in any order that works with your partner, with one exception....neither partner may row more than 500 meters in one sitting without changing positions.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warm up at 1610
Warm Up
10 Squat Jumps
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Pull Ups
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Sit Ups
20 DU/40 Singles
Snatch 3-3-3-3 @ 75% of 1RM
Run 400, then 3 rounds of...
10 SDHP 95/75
10 HR Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
then run 400...
Meet downstairs for the warm up at 1610
Warm Up
10 Squat Jumps
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Pull Ups
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Sit Ups
20 DU/40 Singles
Snatch 3-3-3-3 @ 75% of 1RM
Run 400, then 3 rounds of...
10 SDHP 95/75
10 HR Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
then run 400...
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Meet UPSTAIRS at 1610
Warm up with a 500 meter row
WOD: 4 rounds of
30 Push-ups
20 Front squats
20 Push press
30 Sit-ups
Warm up with a 500 meter row
WOD: 4 rounds of
30 Push-ups
20 Front squats
20 Push press
30 Sit-ups
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I will not be here today and tomorrow, so I am posting the WODs for the next two days. Have fun!!
Coach Lisa
TUESDAY, October 20th
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
500 meter row
Move downstairs for the WOD
5 Rounds of:
10 pullups
Move to the west stairs
Run half way up the stairs, 10 wall ball shots
Run to the inside gym, 10 pushups inside
Run back downstairs
WEDNESDAY, October 21st
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
100 single unders
5-5-3-3-1 Push press working to a one max rep
Run to the light at SE 82nd Ave and jog back to downstairs gym
20 Box jumps
Run 400 meters
20 squats
Run 400 meters
20 KBS
Run 400 meters
Coach Lisa
TUESDAY, October 20th
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
500 meter row
Move downstairs for the WOD
5 Rounds of:
10 pullups
Move to the west stairs
Run half way up the stairs, 10 wall ball shots
Run to the inside gym, 10 pushups inside
Run back downstairs
WEDNESDAY, October 21st
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
100 single unders
5-5-3-3-1 Push press working to a one max rep
Run to the light at SE 82nd Ave and jog back to downstairs gym
20 Box jumps
Run 400 meters
20 squats
Run 400 meters
20 KBS
Run 400 meters
Monday, October 19, 2015
2015-10-19 "FRAN"
Monday, October 19th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
Then 2 rounds of :
10 slow squats
20 hammer strikes on the tire (10 each side)
30 sit ups
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
Then 2 rounds of :
10 slow squats
20 hammer strikes on the tire (10 each side)
30 sit ups
Thursday, October 15, 2015
2015-10-15 Deadlifts and Burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
Run 400m
Spend 2 minutes at the bottom of the squat
EMOM 10 minutes
3 deadlifts
5 rounds for time--
10 Bar Over Burpees
1 deadlift
10 Burpee Pullups
1 deadlift
Sprint 200m
PVC Warmup
Run 400m
Spend 2 minutes at the bottom of the squat
EMOM 10 minutes
3 deadlifts
5 rounds for time--
10 Bar Over Burpees
1 deadlift
10 Burpee Pullups
1 deadlift
Sprint 200m
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
2015-10-13 Helen
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
3 rounds, not for time of--
20 walking lunges
20 plyometric vertical bounds
20 plyometric horizontal bounds
Weighted Pullups 5, 5, 5
3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pullups
3 rounds, not for time of--
20 walking lunges
20 plyometric vertical bounds
20 plyometric horizontal bounds
Weighted Pullups 5, 5, 5
3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pullups
Monday, October 12, 2015
2015-10-12 Front Squats
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
Plank for 30 seconds
Jump Rope for 30 seconds
Plank for 1 minute
Jump Rope for 1 minute
Plank for 2 minutes
Jump Rope for 2 minutes
Plank for 1 minute
Jump Rope for 1 minute
Plank for 30 seconds
Jump Rope for 30 seconds
Spend 1 minute at the bottom of the squat
Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Met Con:
In pairs, set up the bar and do the following work one at a time. Set weight at a weight where the athlete can do at least 12 reps in this format.
Every 10 seconds 1 rep til you can't do any more...
Bent Over Row
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 for the warm-up
Warm Up
2 Rounds of
25/DU or 50 Singles
10 Wall Squats
10 HR Push Ups
10 Sit ups
3 Rounds for time
10 Deadlift 185/155
20 Box Jumps
10 Knees to Elbows
Meet downstairs at 1610 for the warm-up
Warm Up
2 Rounds of
25/DU or 50 Singles
10 Wall Squats
10 HR Push Ups
10 Sit ups
3 Rounds for time
10 Deadlift 185/155
20 Box Jumps
10 Knees to Elbows
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Meet upstairs and warm up with a 500 meter row & stretching. Move downstairs for the WOD.
Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3 135/95
Run 400, then
3 Rounds
10 Low Hang power Snatch 115/75
20 HR Push Up
30 Sit Ups
then, run another 400
Meet upstairs and warm up with a 500 meter row & stretching. Move downstairs for the WOD.
Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3 135/95
Run 400, then
3 Rounds
10 Low Hang power Snatch 115/75
20 HR Push Up
30 Sit Ups
then, run another 400
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 to warm-up
2 Rounds of the following:
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
Back Squat 3-3-2-2-1 Working toward a 1RM
5 Rounds
15 KBS
10 Wall Balls
5 Ring Dips/Scale with bands or on boxes id needed
Meet downstairs at 1610 to warm-up
2 Rounds of the following:
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
Back Squat 3-3-2-2-1 Working toward a 1RM
5 Rounds
15 KBS
10 Wall Balls
5 Ring Dips/Scale with bands or on boxes id needed
Monday, October 5, 2015
2015-10-05 AMRAP
Monday, October 5, 2015
Happy Monday
Meet downstairs for the warmup...
10 Jumping Squats
40 Singles
10 Burpees
40 Singles
10 Sit ups
40 Singles
10 Lunges on each side
OH Squat 3-3-3-3-3 at 70% 1RM
15 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Overhead Weighted Lunge 45/25 (5 on each side)
10 Toes to Bar
Run 200
Happy Monday
Meet downstairs for the warmup...
10 Jumping Squats
40 Singles
10 Burpees
40 Singles
10 Sit ups
40 Singles
10 Lunges on each side
OH Squat 3-3-3-3-3 at 70% 1RM
15 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Overhead Weighted Lunge 45/25 (5 on each side)
10 Toes to Bar
Run 200
Thursday, October 1, 2015
2015-10-01 Deck of Cards
Thursday, October 1st, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
2 Rounds of
10 slow squats
10 superman
10 med ball situps
Deck of Cards:
Hearts: Pushups
Spades: KBS
Clubs: Goblet squats
Diamonds: Situps
Jokers: 5 Burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
2 Rounds of
10 slow squats
10 superman
10 med ball situps
Deck of Cards:
Hearts: Pushups
Spades: KBS
Clubs: Goblet squats
Diamonds: Situps
Jokers: 5 Burpees
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
2015-09-30 Med balls and running
Wednesday, September 30th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
200 single unders
Run 400 meters
15 burpees
Run 400 meters
15 wall ball shots
Run 400 meters
15 med ball situps
Run 400 meters
15 med ball cleans
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
200 single unders
Run 400 meters
15 burpees
Run 400 meters
15 wall ball shots
Run 400 meters
15 med ball situps
Run 400 meters
15 med ball cleans
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tuesday, September 29th, 2015
Meet downstairs
400 meter run
2 Rounds of:
10 wall ball
10 Supermans
2 sets of:
10 Deadlifts
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Box jumps
10 OHS
15 Pullups
Meet downstairs
400 meter run
2 Rounds of:
10 wall ball
10 Supermans
2 sets of:
10 Deadlifts
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Box jumps
10 OHS
15 Pullups
Monday, September 28, 2015
2015-09-28 CF Main Page WOD
Monday, September 28, 2015
Warm up with 2 rounds of:
50 Singles/25 DU
10 Wall balls
5 Burpees
4 Rounds for time
30 Push ups
20 Front Squats 115/85
20 Push Press 115/85
30 sit ups
Warm up with 2 rounds of:
50 Singles/25 DU
10 Wall balls
5 Burpees
4 Rounds for time
30 Push ups
20 Front Squats 115/85
20 Push Press 115/85
30 sit ups
Thursday, September 24, 2015
2015-09-24 Sumo Deadlifts--How to Be More Like Takanoyama
Meet downstairs at 1610
15 minutes to work up to a heavy triple of Sumo deadlift.
For time 21-15-9 of:
KB Cleans with the left hand
KB Cleans with the right hand
HR Pushups
Yes, but keep your skin on.
No, and put some pants on.
And finally, Sumo is legit. Check out the amazing athlete--Takanoyama and his sweet Uchi mata.
15 minutes to work up to a heavy triple of Sumo deadlift.
For time 21-15-9 of:
KB Cleans with the left hand
KB Cleans with the right hand
HR Pushups
Yes, but keep your skin on.
No, and put some pants on.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
2015-09-23 Some Stairs
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
2 rounds of:
1 minute of single unders
1 minute of plank
1 minute of jumping jacks
1 downward facing dog
5 pullups
run 1 set of stairs (from the ground floor to the fourth floor)
>>On each subsequent round, add 5 pullups and 5 KBS and an extra set of stairs. So the 2nd round is 10, 10, 2...continuing to increase with each round
PVC Warmup
2 rounds of:
1 minute of single unders
1 minute of plank
1 minute of jumping jacks
1 downward facing dog
5 pullups
run 1 set of stairs (from the ground floor to the fourth floor)
>>On each subsequent round, add 5 pullups and 5 KBS and an extra set of stairs. So the 2nd round is 10, 10, 2...continuing to increase with each round
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
2015-09-22 Front Squats
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
Run 400 meters
15 minutes to work up to 90% of max on a triple of front squat
10-1! Thrusters (95/75)
1-10! HR Pushups
This may be preaching to the choir, but CrossFit, combatives, and eating right are a great way to fight the attack that a career in law enforcement can be on your health and mental well being. Here is a great article from the Atlantic on diagnosis. The cure is posted here 4 days per week.
PVC Warmup
Run 400 meters
15 minutes to work up to 90% of max on a triple of front squat
10-1! Thrusters (95/75)
1-10! HR Pushups
This may be preaching to the choir, but CrossFit, combatives, and eating right are a great way to fight the attack that a career in law enforcement can be on your health and mental well being. Here is a great article from the Atlantic on diagnosis. The cure is posted here 4 days per week.
Monday, September 21, 2015
2015-09-21 "Cindy" modified
Monday, September 21st, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Group stretching and warmup
Run 400 meters
Cindy modified. 10 minute AMRAP of
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Congrats to all of the CFI athletes that attended last week's CF Law Enforcement seminar with Greg Amundson including Coach Lisa, BJJ Ninja Paul, and WOD Damager Brian. And thanks to our brothers and sisters from CrossFit 1850 who made the class possible.
Meet downstairs at 1610
Group stretching and warmup
Run 400 meters
Cindy modified. 10 minute AMRAP of
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Congrats to all of the CFI athletes that attended last week's CF Law Enforcement seminar with Greg Amundson including Coach Lisa, BJJ Ninja Paul, and WOD Damager Brian. And thanks to our brothers and sisters from CrossFit 1850 who made the class possible.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Warm up in the 4th floor atrium
Run 5 laps, then
2 rounds of:
Toe touch
Bear Crawl
Russian Kicks
Baby Elephants
Move downstairs for the WOD
3 Rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 135/95
15 Over the Bar Burpees
50 meters Overhead Weighted Lunges
Warm up in the 4th floor atrium
Run 5 laps, then
2 rounds of:
Toe touch
Bear Crawl
Russian Kicks
Baby Elephants
Move downstairs for the WOD
3 Rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 135/95
15 Over the Bar Burpees
50 meters Overhead Weighted Lunges
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
2015-09-16 CF Main Workout
Wednesday, Sep 16, 2015
Warm up with a 500 meter row upstairs. Move downstairs for the WOD
Taken from the CF site
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 thrusters
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 thrusters
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
20 thrusters
20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., adding 5 reps to each exercise each round.
Men use 75 lb., women use 55 lb.
Warm up with a 500 meter row upstairs. Move downstairs for the WOD
Taken from the CF site
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 thrusters
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 thrusters
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
20 thrusters
20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., adding 5 reps to each exercise each round.
Men use 75 lb., women use 55 lb.
Monday, September 14, 2015
2015-09-15 AMRAP
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Meet downstairs and warmup with:
200 Singles/100 DU
PVC Stretches
WOD 20 Minute AMRAP of ascending reps (Stair: 4 floors=1 rep)
2-Pull up
3-Push Press #95
4-Toes To Bar
4-Pull Ups
6-Push Press
8-Toes to Bar
6-Pull Ups
9-Push Press
12-Toes to bar
4, 8,12,16.....5,10,15,20, etc......
Meet downstairs and warmup with:
200 Singles/100 DU
PVC Stretches
WOD 20 Minute AMRAP of ascending reps (Stair: 4 floors=1 rep)
2-Pull up
3-Push Press #95
4-Toes To Bar
4-Pull Ups
6-Push Press
8-Toes to Bar
6-Pull Ups
9-Push Press
12-Toes to bar
4, 8,12,16.....5,10,15,20, etc......
Monday, September 14, 2015
Meet downstairs and warmup with a 400m run, followed by 2 rounds of :
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit ups
10 Pass Throughs
10 Good mornings
Front Squat 3-3-3-3 with 75% of 1RM
5 Rounds
5 Deadlift #225
15 HR Push-ups
30 Sit ups
Meet downstairs and warmup with a 400m run, followed by 2 rounds of :
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit ups
10 Pass Throughs
10 Good mornings
Front Squat 3-3-3-3 with 75% of 1RM
5 Rounds
5 Deadlift #225
15 HR Push-ups
30 Sit ups
Thursday, September 10, 2015
2015-09-10 Stair running
Thursday, September 10th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 Slow squats
100 flutter kicks (50 each side)
5 Rounds
Take a wall ball to the bottom of the west stairs.
10 wall ball shots at the bottom of the stairs
Run to the top of the stairs
10 Pushups
Run to the workout area
10 one arm kettle bell snatches (5 each arm)
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 Slow squats
100 flutter kicks (50 each side)
5 Rounds
Take a wall ball to the bottom of the west stairs.
10 wall ball shots at the bottom of the stairs
Run to the top of the stairs
10 Pushups
Run to the workout area
10 one arm kettle bell snatches (5 each arm)
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Wednesday, September 9th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Run 400 meters
20 wall ball situps
Hold in plank one minute
5-5-3-3-2 Deadlift
5 Rounds
12 box jumps
9 pushups
6 pullups
Meet downstairs at 1610
Run 400 meters
20 wall ball situps
Hold in plank one minute
5-5-3-3-2 Deadlift
5 Rounds
12 box jumps
9 pushups
6 pullups
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
2015-09-08 Deck of Cards
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
200 Single unders
Deck of Cards
Hearts: Pushups
Spades: Situps
Diamonds: Wall ball shots
Clubs: KBS
JOKERS: 10 Burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
200 Single unders
Deck of Cards
Hearts: Pushups
Spades: Situps
Diamonds: Wall ball shots
Clubs: KBS
JOKERS: 10 Burpees
Thursday, September 3, 2015
2015-09-03 9 Minute AMRAP
Thursday, September 3rd, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 hammer swings on the tire (10 each arm)
Run 800 meters
9 Minute AMRAP
15 Toes to bar
10 Deadlift
5 Snatches
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 hammer swings on the tire (10 each arm)
Run 800 meters
9 Minute AMRAP
15 Toes to bar
10 Deadlift
5 Snatches
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
2015-09-02 Med Ball Fun
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 slow squats
2 Rope climbs
EMOM 8 mintutes:
10 push press
5 Rounds:
10 wall ball shots
10 med ball situps
50 single unders
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 slow squats
2 Rope climbs
EMOM 8 mintutes:
10 push press
5 Rounds:
10 wall ball shots
10 med ball situps
50 single unders
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Tuesday, September 1st, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
200 Single unders
Hold in plank one minute
OHS 5-5-3-3-2
4 Rounds:
20 Goblet squats
15 Situps
10 Pushups
5 toes to bar (Try kipping)
Run 200 meters
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
200 Single unders
Hold in plank one minute
OHS 5-5-3-3-2
4 Rounds:
20 Goblet squats
15 Situps
10 Pushups
5 toes to bar (Try kipping)
Run 200 meters
Monday, August 31, 2015
2015-08-31 First Day of School Inverted Cindy
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
PVC warmup
30 walking lunges
PVC warmup again
30 jumping lunges
Internal Rotation with Barbell work (See MWOD link here and follow along with the first exercise). Help each other out if this seems un poco complicado.
Z Press (sitting flat on your butt, legs straight out, strict overhead press)
10, 10, 10, 5, 5
This is a two person operation mostly, someone will need to pass you the bar unless you are tricky or use the rack with the cups set low.)
Inverted Cindy
5 squats
10 pushups
15 pullups
(There is no point is going for 20, your pullups will fail you soon enough.)
PVC warmup
30 walking lunges
PVC warmup again
30 jumping lunges
Internal Rotation with Barbell work (See MWOD link here and follow along with the first exercise). Help each other out if this seems un poco complicado.
Z Press (sitting flat on your butt, legs straight out, strict overhead press)
10, 10, 10, 5, 5
This is a two person operation mostly, someone will need to pass you the bar unless you are tricky or use the rack with the cups set low.)
Inverted Cindy
5 squats
10 pushups
15 pullups
(There is no point is going for 20, your pullups will fail you soon enough.)
Thursday, August 27, 2015
2015-08-27 "SEVENS"
Thursday, August 27th, 2015
Meet downstairs
PVC stretch
100 single unders
10 med ball situps
Seven rounds of the following
7 Deadlifts
7 Burpees
7 Pullups
7 Pushups
7 Front squats
7 Toes to bar
Meet downstairs
PVC stretch
100 single unders
10 med ball situps
Seven rounds of the following
7 Deadlifts
7 Burpees
7 Pullups
7 Pushups
7 Front squats
7 Toes to bar
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
2015-08-26 Bars and more Bars
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 for the warm-up
2 Rounds of:
Walking lunges (10 on each side)
Bear Crawl to driveway apron and back
Toe touches " " "
10 Supermans
10 Hollow rocks
Snatch 3-3-3-3, work on proper form with a moderate weight
4 Rounds for time
5 Bar Snatch 65/95
10 Toes to Bar
15 Bar over Burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610 for the warm-up
2 Rounds of:
Walking lunges (10 on each side)
Bear Crawl to driveway apron and back
Toe touches " " "
10 Supermans
10 Hollow rocks
Snatch 3-3-3-3, work on proper form with a moderate weight
4 Rounds for time
5 Bar Snatch 65/95
10 Toes to Bar
15 Bar over Burpees
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
2015-08-25 Lift and Dip
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with:
50 double or 100 singles
10 Wall Balls
12 Minute AMRAP
5 Power Clean 135/95
10-Toes to Bar
20 DU/40 Single
5-Ring Dips
Reading assignment: How to Increase Mental Toughness
Meet downstairs and warm up with:
50 double or 100 singles
10 Wall Balls
12 Minute AMRAP
5 Power Clean 135/95
10-Toes to Bar
20 DU/40 Single
5-Ring Dips
Reading assignment: How to Increase Mental Toughness
Monday, August 24, 2015
Congratulations to our own Deputy Laree Wolfe and her training partner Marti Smith from CFOC on their 10th place (out of 26 teams) finish in the Womens RX class at the Oregon Summer CF Games last weekend. This is a huge accomplishment!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with a 400 run, followed by 2 sets of:
10 med ball cleans
10 Bar only thrusters
10 push ups
Push Press 5-5-3-2-1
3 Rounds for time
15 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Sit ups
400 Meter Run
Monday, August 24, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with a 400 run, followed by 2 sets of:
10 med ball cleans
10 Bar only thrusters
10 push ups
Push Press 5-5-3-2-1
3 Rounds for time
15 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Sit ups
400 Meter Run
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Thursday, August 20th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
2 Rounds
10 slow squats
20 situps
100 flutter kicks
15 Minute AMRAP
10 Box jumps
10 Pushups
10 One handed dumbbell snatch (5 each side)
Meet downstairs at 1610
2 Rounds
10 slow squats
20 situps
100 flutter kicks
15 Minute AMRAP
10 Box jumps
10 Pushups
10 One handed dumbbell snatch (5 each side)
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
2015-08-19 Deck of Cards
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch, then 2 Rounds of:
200 single unders
10 pull-ups
10 thrusters
Deck of Cards
Hearts: KBS
Spades: Push-ups
Clubs: Wall ball shots
Diamonds: Sit-ups
JOKER: Run 200 meters
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch, then 2 Rounds of:
200 single unders
10 pull-ups
10 thrusters
Deck of Cards
Hearts: KBS
Spades: Push-ups
Clubs: Wall ball shots
Diamonds: Sit-ups
JOKER: Run 200 meters
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
2015-08-12 Some Figure 8s
Row 500m
25 squats not for time
Flexed arm hang for max time--pair up to time each other. Get to the top of the pullup and hang there as long as you can. See if you can beat your time from Monday
Partner WOD for Umlaut:
For time:
Partner 1: 50 box jumps
Partner 2: Figure 8s the whole time
switch roles until both athletes have done 50 box jumps
Partner 1: 50 pushups
Partner 2: Figure 8s the whole time
switch roles until both athletes have done 50 pushups
Partner 1: 50 burpees
Partner 2: Figure 8s the whole time
switch roles until both athletes have done 50 burpees
run 400m
Row 500m
25 squats not for time
Flexed arm hang for max time--pair up to time each other. Get to the top of the pullup and hang there as long as you can. See if you can beat your time from Monday
Partner WOD for Umlaut:
For time:
Partner 1: 50 box jumps
Partner 2: Figure 8s the whole time
switch roles until both athletes have done 50 box jumps
Partner 1: 50 pushups
Partner 2: Figure 8s the whole time
switch roles until both athletes have done 50 pushups
Partner 1: 50 burpees
Partner 2: Figure 8s the whole time
switch roles until both athletes have done 50 burpees
run 400m
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
2015-08-11 Unilateral Day
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC passthroughs
Run 400 m
Bulgarian Split Squats
10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (on each side)
Don't load these unless your form is perfect.
One Armed KB Rows
10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (on each side)
One Armed KB Press
10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (on each side)
AMRAP 5 minutes
25 squats
10 pullups
PVC passthroughs
Run 400 m
Bulgarian Split Squats
10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (on each side)
Don't load these unless your form is perfect.
One Armed KB Rows
10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (on each side)
One Armed KB Press
10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (on each side)
AMRAP 5 minutes
25 squats
10 pullups
Monday, August 10, 2015
2015-08-10 Flexed Arm Hang? That sounds easy!
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Warmup
5 minutes of double under technique work. If you are already good at 2x, go for triple unders
2 minute plank hold
Flexed arm hang for max time--pair up to time each other. The idea is to get to the top of the pullup and hang there as long as you can. It's kind of awful, so good luck.
AMRAP 17 minutes
Run 200 meters
20 1 handed KBS (53/30) Switch hands on every rep or every 10, you decide. These are Russian swing, not full overhead--NO TBIs!
20 Toes to Bar
PVC Warmup
5 minutes of double under technique work. If you are already good at 2x, go for triple unders
2 minute plank hold
Flexed arm hang for max time--pair up to time each other. The idea is to get to the top of the pullup and hang there as long as you can. It's kind of awful, so good luck.
AMRAP 17 minutes
Run 200 meters
20 1 handed KBS (53/30) Switch hands on every rep or every 10, you decide. These are Russian swing, not full overhead--NO TBIs!
20 Toes to Bar
Thursday, August 6, 2015
2015-08-06 Deck of Cards
Thursday, August 6th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
100 single unders or 50 double unders
2 Rope climb ascends
Deck of Cards
Clubs: Situps
Hearts: Pushups
Diamonds: Wall ball shots
Spades: Push press
Jokers: 5 Burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
100 single unders or 50 double unders
2 Rope climb ascends
Deck of Cards
Clubs: Situps
Hearts: Pushups
Diamonds: Wall ball shots
Spades: Push press
Jokers: 5 Burpees
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
2015-08-05 Varied exercises with running
Wednesday, August 5th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
2 Rounds:
10 V-ups
10 slow squats
Hold in plank for one minute
Run 200 meters
15 clean and jerk
Run 200 meters
25 Toes to bar
Run 200 meters
15 Wall ball
Run 200 meters
25 KBS
Run 200 meters
15 Situps
Run 200 meters
25 pushups
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
2 Rounds:
10 V-ups
10 slow squats
Hold in plank for one minute
Run 200 meters
15 clean and jerk
Run 200 meters
25 Toes to bar
Run 200 meters
15 Wall ball
Run 200 meters
25 KBS
Run 200 meters
15 Situps
Run 200 meters
25 pushups
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Tuesday, August 4th, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610 for warmup
Row 500 meters
2 Rounds in the atrium of:
Toe touches, crab walk, baby elephant, jog
Then head downstairs for the WOD
3 Rounds for time:
20 Deadlifts (185/135)
30 Lateral jump over bar or weight plate (15 each side)
20 Push ups
60 single unders
20 Box jumps
30 Ab mat situps
10 pull-ups
Meet upstairs at 1610 for warmup
Row 500 meters
2 Rounds in the atrium of:
Toe touches, crab walk, baby elephant, jog
Then head downstairs for the WOD
3 Rounds for time:
20 Deadlifts (185/135)
30 Lateral jump over bar or weight plate (15 each side)
20 Push ups
60 single unders
20 Box jumps
30 Ab mat situps
10 pull-ups
Monday, August 3, 2015
2015-08-03 Presses and Kettlebells
Monday, August 3rd, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Run 400 meters
Overhead press 5,5,5,3,3,3
4 Rounds:
20 SDHP with kettle bell
20 Goblet squats
20 HR pushups
1 set of stairs with kettle bell in hand
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Run 400 meters
Overhead press 5,5,5,3,3,3
4 Rounds:
20 SDHP with kettle bell
20 Goblet squats
20 HR pushups
1 set of stairs with kettle bell in hand
Thursday, July 30, 2015
2015-07-30 Rowing
Thursday, July 30, 2015
It's going to be a hot one today, so we will keep it indoors. Meet upstairs at 1610 and warm/stretch on your own.
4 Rounds for time
Row 250
20 HR Push Ups
30 Sit ups
This WOD should be a sprint!
It's going to be a hot one today, so we will keep it indoors. Meet upstairs at 1610 and warm/stretch on your own.
4 Rounds for time
Row 250
20 HR Push Ups
30 Sit ups
This WOD should be a sprint!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
2015-07-29 Kettlebells
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with 2 rounds of the following:
10 Wall Squats
10 Supermans
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sit ups
100 singles/50 DU
Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1
Partner workout
Kettlebell overhead 300 times in the following scheme
Partner A continues a 10 KB Snatch, 15 KB swing pattern continually until Partner B finishes 1 set of stairs while carrying a 25 pound plate.
Switch spots after each set of stairs and keep going until you hit the 300 mark.
There will be a 20 minute time cap on this WOD.
Meet downstairs and warm up with 2 rounds of the following:
10 Wall Squats
10 Supermans
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sit ups
100 singles/50 DU
Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1
Partner workout
Kettlebell overhead 300 times in the following scheme
Partner A continues a 10 KB Snatch, 15 KB swing pattern continually until Partner B finishes 1 set of stairs while carrying a 25 pound plate.
Switch spots after each set of stairs and keep going until you hit the 300 mark.
There will be a 20 minute time cap on this WOD.
Monday, July 27, 2015
2015-07-28 Fight Gone Bad
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Meet downstairs and warmup with a 400 run, 2 rounds of: 10 burpees, 10 Sit ups, 10 PVC OHS
Fight Gone Bad
Wall Balls 20/14
Sumo Deadlift HP 75/55
Push Press 75/55
Box Jump
Toes to Bar
Max reps at each exercise for one minute before moving to next exercise without resting. Three rounds of the 5 exercises with a one minute break between rounds.
Buyout: Death by Overhead Weighted Lunges
Sunday, July 26, 2015
2015-07-27 Monday Run
Monday, July 27, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warmup
100 DU or 200 Singles
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit Ups
10 HR Push Ups
10 Pass through
10 Pass around
Squat Clean 3-3-2-2-1 Find a one rep max
1 Round for time
Run 800
50 Thrusters 45/35
40 Sit Ups
30 Pull Ups
Run 800
"Having a braced, organized spine before all else is key. Have that spinal position locked down? Great! Keep it and do a squat, keep it and do a push-up. Keep that spine and overhead squat."
Meet downstairs for the warmup
100 DU or 200 Singles
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit Ups
10 HR Push Ups
10 Pass through
10 Pass around
Squat Clean 3-3-2-2-1 Find a one rep max
1 Round for time
Run 800
50 Thrusters 45/35
40 Sit Ups
30 Pull Ups
Run 800
You should read Kelly Starrett's interview on T-Nation with John Rusin. Good stuff.
"Having a braced, organized spine before all else is key. Have that spinal position locked down? Great! Keep it and do a squat, keep it and do a push-up. Keep that spine and overhead squat."
Thursday, July 23, 2015
2015-07-23 Spartan Preparation Training
Thursday, July 23rd, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Join those getting ready for the upcoming Spartan race with a Spartan WOD.
Group stretching
200 single unders
20 Minute AMRAP of
10 Burpees
10 Pushups
5 Burpee pullups
3 Burpee pullups with knee raises
15 Crunches
10 Laying leg raises
5 Hanging knee raises
Meet downstairs at 1610
Join those getting ready for the upcoming Spartan race with a Spartan WOD.
Group stretching
200 single unders
20 Minute AMRAP of
10 Burpees
10 Pushups
5 Burpee pullups
3 Burpee pullups with knee raises
15 Crunches
10 Laying leg raises
5 Hanging knee raises
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
2015-07-22 Our Warmup is Harder than Your Workout
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
Tomorrow's WOD is at the boathouse in the water, so bring a swimsuit and lets meet down there at 1620 on the 23rd.
Not for time
Jog 400 meters
1-10! Lunges
10-1! Pushups
(That's a lunge on each side, then immediately transition into 10 pushups, get up, 2 lunges on each side, then 9 pushups...and so on. Lunges should include a touch of the knee or nearly touching the knee to the ground.)
Run 400 meters
Good mornings 10, 10, 5, 5, 5
Front Squat 10, 10, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 4 minutes
10 jumping squats with an Olympic bar
10 thrusters with an Olympic bar
If you are keeping with the diabolical events at the CrossFit Games, check out the Worm, a giant 400+ floppy weight. Deadlift that with some friends.
Tomorrow's WOD is at the boathouse in the water, so bring a swimsuit and lets meet down there at 1620 on the 23rd.
Not for time
Jog 400 meters
1-10! Lunges
10-1! Pushups
(That's a lunge on each side, then immediately transition into 10 pushups, get up, 2 lunges on each side, then 9 pushups...and so on. Lunges should include a touch of the knee or nearly touching the knee to the ground.)
Run 400 meters
Good mornings 10, 10, 5, 5, 5
Front Squat 10, 10, 5, 5, 5
AMRAP 4 minutes
10 jumping squats with an Olympic bar
10 thrusters with an Olympic bar
If you are keeping with the diabolical events at the CrossFit Games, check out the Worm, a giant 400+ floppy weight. Deadlift that with some friends.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
2015-07-21 run, squat, push, pull
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours. It should be a lot nicer outside today...maybe just 80!
1-5! strict pullups
5-1! pushups
30 seconds plank
WOD for time:
4 rounds of--
Run 400m
21 push press (95)
21 squats
1 rope climb
Did you see the first event of the CrossFit Games? 500m swim, 2 mile paddleboard (the kind on your knees, not standing up), 500m swim. Starts tomorrow morning...insane.
1-5! strict pullups
5-1! pushups
30 seconds plank
WOD for time:
4 rounds of--
Run 400m
21 push press (95)
21 squats
1 rope climb
Did you see the first event of the CrossFit Games? 500m swim, 2 mile paddleboard (the kind on your knees, not standing up), 500m swim. Starts tomorrow morning...insane.
Monday, July 20, 2015
2015-07-20 Bench Press Hell
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
10 laps of the atrium
1-10 pushups
Shoulder and hip mobility work
10 rounds of:
10 bench press (select a weight that feels heavy, but where you are not likely to fail during the WOD)
immediately followed by 60 seconds of KBS
Rest 2 minutes
The CrossFit Games start this week. It is a great way to see what the elite competitors are doing with this sport and some of the diabolical events that are certain to be revealed.
10 laps of the atrium
1-10 pushups
Shoulder and hip mobility work
10 rounds of:
10 bench press (select a weight that feels heavy, but where you are not likely to fail during the WOD)
immediately followed by 60 seconds of KBS
Rest 2 minutes
The CrossFit Games start this week. It is a great way to see what the elite competitors are doing with this sport and some of the diabolical events that are certain to be revealed.
Monday, July 13, 2015
2015-07-15 Kelly
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Meet downstairs and warmup with 400 meter run, 10 med ball cleans, 10 Good mornings, 10 Pass throughs
Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3 at 80% of 1RM
5-Rounds of;
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
This WOD was originally scheduled for Monday but nobody was able to make it. See you there.
Meet downstairs and warmup with 400 meter run, 10 med ball cleans, 10 Good mornings, 10 Pass throughs
Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3 at 80% of 1RM
5-Rounds of;
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
This WOD was originally scheduled for Monday but nobody was able to make it. See you there.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
2015-07-08 Chest to Bar Work
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
We're taking it easy on the legs for those of you who plan to run the Law Enforcement Torch Run tomorrow.
Warm up: Meet downstairs at 1610, head out the gate and run an 800, followed by group stretch.
10 Rounds for time
5 Hanging Power Clean 135/95
5 Chest to Bar Pull -ups
10 Med Ball Sit-ups
See.....they're easy!!!
We're taking it easy on the legs for those of you who plan to run the Law Enforcement Torch Run tomorrow.
Warm up: Meet downstairs at 1610, head out the gate and run an 800, followed by group stretch.
10 Rounds for time
5 Hanging Power Clean 135/95
5 Chest to Bar Pull -ups
10 Med Ball Sit-ups
See.....they're easy!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
2015-07-07 Burpee T2B
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Meet upstairs for a warm-up in the atrium at 1610
2 Rounds of Toe Touches, Bear Crawl, Baby Elephants and Long Jump
Downstairs for the WOD. Bring your rope if you have one.
15- Minute AMRAP
5 Deadlift 225/155
10 Burpee T2B
20 DU/40 Single Jump Rope
200 Meter Run
Hope that everyone had a great 4th with lots of lean meats and veggies. Let's dump the sugar--no soda is one of the best places to start--like none, including the artificially sweetened stuff.
Meet upstairs for a warm-up in the atrium at 1610
2 Rounds of Toe Touches, Bear Crawl, Baby Elephants and Long Jump
Downstairs for the WOD. Bring your rope if you have one.
15- Minute AMRAP
5 Deadlift 225/155
10 Burpee T2B
20 DU/40 Single Jump Rope
200 Meter Run
Hope that everyone had a great 4th with lots of lean meats and veggies. Let's dump the sugar--no soda is one of the best places to start--like none, including the artificially sweetened stuff.
Monday, July 6, 2015
2015-07-06 Main site WOD
Monday, July 6, 2015
Welcome Back! If you're attending the WOD today, please send Kevin an email to let him know. There are quite a few people out on vacation and we'd like to know if anyone will be there.
Meet upstairs for the warm-up at 1610
Row 500m, then;
2 rounds-
10 PVC OH squats with a hold at the bottom
10 PVC pass-around
10 good mornings
Move downstairs for the WOD, taken from the main site.
42-30-18 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
Box jumps
Push Press 75/55
Just think of how good you'll feel when this is done!!!
Welcome Back! If you're attending the WOD today, please send Kevin an email to let him know. There are quite a few people out on vacation and we'd like to know if anyone will be there.
Meet upstairs for the warm-up at 1610
Row 500m, then;
2 rounds-
10 PVC OH squats with a hold at the bottom
10 PVC pass-around
10 good mornings
Move downstairs for the WOD, taken from the main site.
42-30-18 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
Box jumps
Push Press 75/55
Just think of how good you'll feel when this is done!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
2015-07-01 Med ball work
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Run 400 m
10 Superman
10 Squats
10 med ball situps
5 Rounds
15 wall ball shots
15 Situps
15 Pushups
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Run 400 m
10 Superman
10 Squats
10 med ball situps
5 Rounds
15 wall ball shots
15 Situps
15 Pushups
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Tuesday, 06-30-2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
100 single unders
50 situps
Push press 5-5-3-3-2
12 minute AMRAP
12 KBS
9 Box jumps
6 Pullups
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
100 single unders
50 situps
Push press 5-5-3-3-2
12 minute AMRAP
12 KBS
9 Box jumps
6 Pullups
Monday, June 29, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Meet downstairs for warm-up at 1610
400 Run
10 Pass thru
10 Pas around
10 OHS (PVC)
10 Push ups
Toe touches
Bear Crawl
Power Snatch
3 Rounds for time
Run 400
10 Thrusters 75/55
10 KBS
10 T2B
Meet downstairs for warm-up at 1610
400 Run
10 Pass thru
10 Pas around
10 OHS (PVC)
10 Push ups
Toe touches
Bear Crawl
Power Snatch
3 Rounds for time
Run 400
10 Thrusters 75/55
10 KBS
10 T2B
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Thursday, June 25th, 2015
Meet downstairs
Group stretching, then
Run 400 meters
20 Situps
20 KBS
WOD: 3 Rounds
50 Double unders
10 Bodyweight dead lift
20 Box Jumps
Meet downstairs
Group stretching, then
Run 400 meters
20 Situps
20 KBS
WOD: 3 Rounds
50 Double unders
10 Bodyweight dead lift
20 Box Jumps
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
2015-06-24 Partner WOD
Wednesday, June 24,2015
Warm up with a 500 meter row and stretching
Meet downstairs for the WOD
Strict Press 3-3-3-3 135/95
Partner WOD
150 Burpees and 50 push press between two partners in the following format:
Partner A completes 15 burpees
Partner B cleans a bar, 5 push press, hold in the rack until burpees are complete 115/75
Both partner complete 5 rounds each of burpees and push press
Warm up with a 500 meter row and stretching
Meet downstairs for the WOD
Strict Press 3-3-3-3 135/95
Partner WOD
150 Burpees and 50 push press between two partners in the following format:
Partner A completes 15 burpees
Partner B cleans a bar, 5 push press, hold in the rack until burpees are complete 115/75
Both partner complete 5 rounds each of burpees and push press
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
2015-06-23 Forty Somethin'
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Please haul the full size boxes downstairs from the 4th floor workout area
Meet downstairs and warm up with-
100 Singles/50 DU
2 sets of stairs
10 PVC pass thru
10 PVC OHS with a hold at the bottom for 5 seconds
10 PVC pass around
Back Squat 5-3-3-2-2-1, working to 1RM
40 T2B
40 KBS
40 Box Jump overs
Run 400 meters
Please haul the full size boxes downstairs from the 4th floor workout area
Meet downstairs and warm up with-
100 Singles/50 DU
2 sets of stairs
10 PVC pass thru
10 PVC OHS with a hold at the bottom for 5 seconds
10 PVC pass around
Back Squat 5-3-3-2-2-1, working to 1RM
40 T2B
40 KBS
40 Box Jump overs
Run 400 meters
Monday, June 22, 2015
2015-06-22 Front Squat
Monday, June 22, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 for a warm up;
Run 400
10 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
Group Stretching
Bar Overhead stationary lunge 135/95
4-4-4-4 (2 on each leg)
6 Rounds of;
5 Front Squat at 75% of 1RM
10 Pull Ups
20 HR Push Ups
Meet downstairs at 1610 for a warm up;
Run 400
10 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
Group Stretching
Bar Overhead stationary lunge 135/95
4-4-4-4 (2 on each leg)
6 Rounds of;
5 Front Squat at 75% of 1RM
10 Pull Ups
20 HR Push Ups
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Thursday, June 18th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Hold in plank one minute
5-5-3-3-2-1 Clean and jerk
3 Rounds
10 KB Snatch 53/35 (5 each side)
10 Burpees
10 Knees to elbows
Run 400
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Hold in plank one minute
5-5-3-3-2-1 Clean and jerk
3 Rounds
10 KB Snatch 53/35 (5 each side)
10 Burpees
10 Knees to elbows
Run 400
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
2015-06-17 Deadlifts and Toes to Bar
Wednesday, June 17th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
10 Squats with a 2 second hold at the bottom
15 Superman
20 Situps
Toes to Bar
100 Single unders after each couplet is completed
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
10 Squats with a 2 second hold at the bottom
15 Superman
20 Situps
Toes to Bar
100 Single unders after each couplet is completed
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
2015-06-16 15 Minute AMRAP
Tuesday, June 16th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
Group stretching followed by 400 meter run
Split jerk 3-3-3-2-1
15 Minute AMRAP of
30 Box Jumps
20 Push press
10 pull ups
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
Group stretching followed by 400 meter run
Split jerk 3-3-3-2-1
15 Minute AMRAP of
30 Box Jumps
20 Push press
10 pull ups
Monday, June 15, 2015
2015-06-15 Deck of Cards
Monday, June 15th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
200 Single unders
Group stretching
5-5-5-3-3 Deadlift
Hearts: Wall ball shots
Diamonds: KBS
Spades: Situps
Clubs: Pushups
Jokers: Run 400 meters
Meet downstairs at 1610
200 Single unders
Group stretching
5-5-5-3-3 Deadlift
Hearts: Wall ball shots
Diamonds: KBS
Spades: Situps
Clubs: Pushups
Jokers: Run 400 meters
Friday, June 12, 2015
Remember Everyone Deployed
Here is a great video that in addition to making ASW seem positively glamorous, also reminds us that there are men and women deployed around the world taking on all manner of tasks to make sure that we can be safe in our beds at night. In honor of one of our Navy vets who did some great work this week.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
2015-06-11 KB Snatch
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Meet downstairs for warm up- Run 400 followed by 20 burpees and stretching with the group
15 minute AMRAP
10 KB Snatch 53/35 (5 on each side)
10 Pull ups
10 ring dips
Run 400
Have a great weekend!
Meet downstairs for warm up- Run 400 followed by 20 burpees and stretching with the group
15 minute AMRAP
10 KB Snatch 53/35 (5 on each side)
10 Pull ups
10 ring dips
Run 400
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Meet downstairs and warmup with a 400 meter run, followed by stretching with the group
Overhead Squat
5-5-5-5-5 Work on form with a moderate weight. Not going for a 1RM here
4 rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 135/95
15 Wall Balls
20 Box Jumps
Meet downstairs and warmup with a 400 meter run, followed by stretching with the group
Overhead Squat
5-5-5-5-5 Work on form with a moderate weight. Not going for a 1RM here
4 rounds for time
10 Power Cleans 135/95
15 Wall Balls
20 Box Jumps
Tuesday, june 9, 2015
Meet upstairs for the warmup.
100 Singles/50 DU
20 Push Ups
20 Squats
10 Good Mornings
10 Pass throughs
Move downstairs and get set up for HSPU using bands for assistance if necessary.
Run 400
Run 400
Meet upstairs for the warmup.
100 Singles/50 DU
20 Push Ups
20 Squats
10 Good Mornings
10 Pass throughs
Move downstairs and get set up for HSPU using bands for assistance if necessary.
Run 400
Run 400
Monday, June 8, 2015
2015-06-08 Fun With Burpees
Monday, June 8, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610for a warm-up..
500 meter row, move to the atrium for a round of toe touches, bear crawl, Russian kicks, baby elephant.
Downstairs for the remainder
Front Squat 3-3-3-2-1 working toward a 1RM
10 Burpees On The Plate (BOTP) 45/25 Chest must touch the ground!!
20 STOH 135/95
20 Pull-Ups
20 Squats
This WOD should move quickly so we can beat the heat.
Meet upstairs at 1610for a warm-up..
500 meter row, move to the atrium for a round of toe touches, bear crawl, Russian kicks, baby elephant.
Downstairs for the remainder
Front Squat 3-3-3-2-1 working toward a 1RM
10 Burpees On The Plate (BOTP) 45/25 Chest must touch the ground!!
20 STOH 135/95
20 Pull-Ups
20 Squats
This WOD should move quickly so we can beat the heat.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
2015-06-04 Thrusters and Situps
Thursday, June 4th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 superman
10 V-ups
10 wall ball situps
10 squats
Hold in plank for one minute
25 Thrusters 75/55
50 Situps
Run 400 meters
50 Situps
25 Thrusters 75/55
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 superman
10 V-ups
10 wall ball situps
10 squats
Hold in plank for one minute
25 Thrusters 75/55
50 Situps
Run 400 meters
50 Situps
25 Thrusters 75/55
This is the buyout from today's WOD. If you can't do it, 100 muscle-ups.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
2015-06-03 Filthy Fifty Partner WOD
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up with 50 double unders or 100 single unders
15 squats with a 2 second hold at the bottom of the squat
This WOD is a partner Filthy Fifty, 50 reps of each listed exercise. You can break up the work any way you want between partners, done as a chippper with one partner working at a time.
Deadlift 135/95
Box jumps
HR Pushups
Med Ball Cleans
Push prss 95/75
Every five minutes, both partners must run a 200
Klokov does a 192 kg thruster. That 423 pounds. We don't dig on Putin much, but we do love Klokov.
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up with 50 double unders or 100 single unders
15 squats with a 2 second hold at the bottom of the squat
This WOD is a partner Filthy Fifty, 50 reps of each listed exercise. You can break up the work any way you want between partners, done as a chippper with one partner working at a time.
Deadlift 135/95
Box jumps
HR Pushups
Med Ball Cleans
Push prss 95/75
Every five minutes, both partners must run a 200
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
2015-06-02 Kettle bell work
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610
Shoulder press 5-5-5-3-3
3 Rounds for time with kettle bell
20 Goblet Squats
20 HR Pushups
1 set of stairs (with KB in hand)
Meet upstairs at 1610
Shoulder press 5-5-5-3-3
3 Rounds for time with kettle bell
20 Goblet Squats
20 HR Pushups
1 set of stairs (with KB in hand)
Monday, June 1, 2015
2015-06-01 June Begins with Fun
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
3 rounds of--
1 minute hold at bottom of the squat
1 minute of plank
2 2-person team WODs
WOD 1:
AMRAP 8 minutes
1 rep bear complex
while the other athlete holds a 45 lbs plate overhead
bear complex does not start until the plate is fully overhead and extended
WOD 2:
AMRAP 6 minutes
20 box jumps (recommend step down vs jump down to prevent achillies injuries)
while the other athlete holds a med ball and stands on one foot
And you can read about Ashley White, who could do 30 strict pullups. Hero.
PVC Warmup
3 rounds of--
1 minute hold at bottom of the squat
1 minute of plank
2 2-person team WODs
WOD 1:
AMRAP 8 minutes
1 rep bear complex
while the other athlete holds a 45 lbs plate overhead
bear complex does not start until the plate is fully overhead and extended
WOD 2:
AMRAP 6 minutes
20 box jumps (recommend step down vs jump down to prevent achillies injuries)
while the other athlete holds a med ball and stands on one foot
And you can read about Ashley White, who could do 30 strict pullups. Hero.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
2015-05-28 Barazza adaptation
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 for a group warm up.
This is an adaptation of Baraza- we don't have enough bands and rings for everyone to scale the muscle ups.
AMRAP 18 Minutes
200 meter run
9 Deadlifts Rx 275/185 (we can scale)
6 pull-ups
6 ring dips
Bring your lungs for this one!
Meet downstairs at 1610 for a group warm up.
This is an adaptation of Baraza- we don't have enough bands and rings for everyone to scale the muscle ups.
AMRAP 18 Minutes
200 meter run
9 Deadlifts Rx 275/185 (we can scale)
6 pull-ups
6 ring dips
Bring your lungs for this one!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Strict Press 4-4-4-4 at 75% 1RM
3 Rounds for time
10 Box Jumps
10 Clean and Jerk 155/115
20 Med Ball Sit Ups 20/14
Run 400
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
2015-05-26 "Barbara" modified
Tuesday, May 26th, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
200 single unders
5,5,3,2,1 Deadlift
"Barbara" modified:
3 Rounds for time
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
200 single unders
5,5,3,2,1 Deadlift
"Barbara" modified:
3 Rounds for time
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
Thursday, May 21, 2015
2015-05-21 "Fran"
Thursday, May 21st, 2015
I won't be there today. Have a great workout!
Meet downstairs at 1610
200 single unders or 100 double unders
10 superman
10 V-ups
20 situps
21-15-9 Thrusters and pullups
I won't be there today. Have a great workout!
Meet downstairs at 1610
200 single unders or 100 double unders
10 superman
10 V-ups
20 situps
21-15-9 Thrusters and pullups
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
2015-05-20 Pushups, deadlifts and running
Meet downstairs
PVC stretch
200 single unders or 100 double unders
Hold in plank for one minute
5 Rounds:
24 pushups
12 deadlifts
Run 200 meters
PVC stretch
200 single unders or 100 double unders
Hold in plank for one minute
5 Rounds:
24 pushups
12 deadlifts
Run 200 meters
Monday, May 18, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
Run 400m
10 strict pullups
1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Push Press
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
For time--
50 pullups
Run 400m
100 KBS (53/35)
Run 400m
PVC Warmup
Run 400m
10 strict pullups
1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Push Press
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
For time--
50 pullups
Run 400m
100 KBS (53/35)
Run 400m
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Meet Downstairs for the warmup
2 sets of stairs
10 wall balls with a hold at the bottom
10 Burpees
10 Good mornings
10 Pass through
10 Pass around
Back Squat
5-5-5-5 with 75% of 1RM
3 Rounds
50 Meter standing broad jump
40 Sit ups
30 SDHP 75/55
Run 400
Meet Downstairs for the warmup
2 sets of stairs
10 wall balls with a hold at the bottom
10 Burpees
10 Good mornings
10 Pass through
10 Pass around
Back Squat
5-5-5-5 with 75% of 1RM
3 Rounds
50 Meter standing broad jump
40 Sit ups
30 SDHP 75/55
Run 400
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
2015-05-13 AMRAP
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Today's workout is shamelessly stolen, in total, from Crossfit PFB. I was so sad to miss this workout, I decided to bring it to our box. Hope to see a good turnout. KL
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Burpees
10 Wall Squats
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 PVC Good Mornings
10 PVC Windmills
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Burpees
10 Wall Squats
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 PVC Good Mornings
10 PVC Windmills
5 Min AMRAP of:
7 Hang Pwr Clean & Jerk, #135/95
5 Min AMRAP of:
7 Hang Pwr Clean & Jerk, #135/95
Rest 2 Min, then:
2 Min AMRAP of:
Max Reps T2B
2 Min AMRAP of:
Max Reps T2B
Rest 2 Min, then:
5 Min AMRAP of:
7 Thruster, #135/95
14 KB Swing, #53/35
5 Min AMRAP of:
7 Thruster, #135/95
14 KB Swing, #53/35
2015-05-12 Partner WOD
Tuesday, may 12, 2015
Warm up upstairs at 1610.
First person to arrive can call the warmup.
Partner WOD
Row 3000 Meters
100 Box Jumps
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Here's how it works...
While one partner rows, the other partner works on exercises in any format you choose. Every 500 meters, switch spots. Repeat until you have accomplished all of the excercise. If you finish rowing 3000 prior to the calisthenics being completed, both partners may work at the same time until finished.
Warm up upstairs at 1610.
First person to arrive can call the warmup.
Partner WOD
Row 3000 Meters
100 Box Jumps
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Here's how it works...
While one partner rows, the other partner works on exercises in any format you choose. Every 500 meters, switch spots. Repeat until you have accomplished all of the excercise. If you finish rowing 3000 prior to the calisthenics being completed, both partners may work at the same time until finished.
Monday, May 11, 2015
2015-05-11 Rope Jump
Monday, May 11, 2015
Homework: Watch the 60 Minutes story about Coach Glassman: King of CrossFit
"We are going to take over the world, but we are going to do it with fitness."
Meet upstairs at 1610. Row 500 meters and stretch for a warm-up. Move downstairs for the WOD.
Push Jerk
5-3-3-2-1 Work to a 1RM
Double Under 50/40/30/20/10
KBS 10/8/6/4/2
Pull-Up 10/8/6/4/2
Homework: Watch the 60 Minutes story about Coach Glassman: King of CrossFit
"We are going to take over the world, but we are going to do it with fitness."
Meet upstairs at 1610. Row 500 meters and stretch for a warm-up. Move downstairs for the WOD.
Push Jerk
5-3-3-2-1 Work to a 1RM
Double Under 50/40/30/20/10
KBS 10/8/6/4/2
Pull-Up 10/8/6/4/2
Thursday, May 7, 2015
2015-05-07 Power Snatch
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610 and warm up with a 500 meter row and PVC stretch
Downstairs for the remainder
5-5-5 Front squat at 70% of your one rep max
5 Rounds for time
5 High hang Snatch 95/75
10 Med Ball Situps
15 Squats
20 HR Push ups
Meet upstairs at 1610 and warm up with a 500 meter row and PVC stretch
Downstairs for the remainder
5-5-5 Front squat at 70% of your one rep max
5 Rounds for time
5 High hang Snatch 95/75
10 Med Ball Situps
15 Squats
20 HR Push ups
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
2015-05-06 Burpee Dip Lunges
Meet upstairs and warm up with 2 laps around the atrium divided in quarters as follows:
Toe touches
Bear Crawl
Russian kicks
Baby Elephants
Move downstairs for the WOD
3 Rounds for time
20 Burpees
10 Ring Dips (Scaled options available)
100 Feet OH Weighted Lunges 45/25
Toe touches
Bear Crawl
Russian kicks
Baby Elephants
Move downstairs for the WOD
3 Rounds for time
20 Burpees
10 Ring Dips (Scaled options available)
100 Feet OH Weighted Lunges 45/25
Monday, May 4, 2015
2015-05-05 Ascending Ladder
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Warm up with a 500 meter row and two rounds of the following;
10 Squats, hold for a 5 count at the bottom
10 PVC Pass through
10 PVC Pass around
10 Good mornings
Move downstairs for the WOD
20 Minute AMRAP, Ascending Ladder
Start with 1 Rep of each and increase reps with each round
STOH 135/95
Warm up with a 500 meter row and two rounds of the following;
10 Squats, hold for a 5 count at the bottom
10 PVC Pass through
10 PVC Pass around
10 Good mornings
Move downstairs for the WOD
20 Minute AMRAP, Ascending Ladder
Start with 1 Rep of each and increase reps with each round
STOH 135/95
2015-05-04 Cleans and Body Weight Work
Monday, May 4, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warmup
West end stairs
100 singles/50 DU
10 wall squats
10 PVC pass thru
10 Good mornings
10 minute EMOM
4 Cleans 135/95
4 Rounds
10 Pull Ups
20 HR Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
Run 400
Meet downstairs for the warmup
West end stairs
100 singles/50 DU
10 wall squats
10 PVC pass thru
10 Good mornings
10 minute EMOM
4 Cleans 135/95
4 Rounds
10 Pull Ups
20 HR Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
Run 400
Thursday, April 30, 2015
2015-04-30 Bear Complex EMOM
Thursday, April 30th 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
Group stretching and warmup
15 Minute EMOM Bear Complex
Every minute on the minute Bear Complex X4
We will finish the workout with 100 situps
Meet downstairs at 1610
Group stretching and warmup
15 Minute EMOM Bear Complex
Every minute on the minute Bear Complex X4
We will finish the workout with 100 situps
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
2015-04-29 Pushps, deadlifts and running
Wednesday, April 29th 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
200 single unders
Hold in plank 1 minute
3 Rounds:
24 Pushups
12 Deadlifts (135/95)
Run 200 meters
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
200 single unders
Hold in plank 1 minute
3 Rounds:
24 Pushups
12 Deadlifts (135/95)
Run 200 meters
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
2015-04-28 (UPSTAIRS)
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 superman
20 flutter kicks (10 each side)
Hold in plank for 1 minute
For time:
5 Burpees
10 box jumps
15 wall ball shots (Pick a wall at the west stairs, then run back to the weight room)
20 KBS
25 Ab mat situps
Run down and up the west stairs, then back to the weight room
25 Ab mat situps
20 KBS
15 wall ball shots (again at the west stairs)
10 box jumps
5 burpees
We may need to improvise a little to make space in the weight room. You can do the kettle bell swings in the hallway as well as the situps, depending on how many people show up.
PVC stretch
10 superman
20 flutter kicks (10 each side)
Hold in plank for 1 minute
For time:
5 Burpees
10 box jumps
15 wall ball shots (Pick a wall at the west stairs, then run back to the weight room)
20 KBS
25 Ab mat situps
Run down and up the west stairs, then back to the weight room
25 Ab mat situps
20 KBS
15 wall ball shots (again at the west stairs)
10 box jumps
5 burpees
We may need to improvise a little to make space in the weight room. You can do the kettle bell swings in the hallway as well as the situps, depending on how many people show up.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warm-up
2 Rounds, not for time:
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Wall Squats
10 HR Push-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
Overhead Squats
3-3-3-2-2-1-1 Work to find a new 1 rep max
3 Rounds for time
15 Pull-ups
15 KBS
50 foot weighted walking lunge 45/25
Meet downstairs for the warm-up
2 Rounds, not for time:
20 DU/40 Singles
10 Wall Squats
10 HR Push-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
Overhead Squats
3-3-3-2-2-1-1 Work to find a new 1 rep max
3 Rounds for time
15 Pull-ups
15 KBS
50 foot weighted walking lunge 45/25
Thursday, April 16, 2015
2014-04-16 Jerk Werk
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Meet downstaairs for the warmup:
50m of walking lunges
PVC Pass through, OHS, Pass around and good mornings (2 sets of 10)
Strenght Work
Split Jerk
3-3-3-3-3 155/95
Work on form with a challenging weight as you progress
5 Rounds for time:
5 Clean and Jerk 135/95
10 Burpees
100 Singles/50 Double Under
Meet downstaairs for the warmup:
50m of walking lunges
PVC Pass through, OHS, Pass around and good mornings (2 sets of 10)
Strenght Work
Split Jerk
3-3-3-3-3 155/95
Work on form with a challenging weight as you progress
5 Rounds for time:
5 Clean and Jerk 135/95
10 Burpees
100 Singles/50 Double Under
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
2015-04-15 AMRAP
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warm up:
Run 400
Followed by 2 sets of
10 wall balls
10 push ups
10 squats
15 minute AMRAP
5 Thrusters 95/75
10 Pull Ups
15 Box Jumps
Run 400
Meet downstairs for the warm up:
Run 400
Followed by 2 sets of
10 wall balls
10 push ups
10 squats
15 minute AMRAP
5 Thrusters 95/75
10 Pull Ups
15 Box Jumps
Run 400
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
2015-04-14 Rowing and Running
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Meet upstairs and warmup with a 500 meter row, followed by group warmup in the 4th floor atrium.
We're going to need extra bars and plates downstairs for the WOD. Please grab two bars and several pairs of 10 pound plates to move downstairs.
We also need to take any bands on the fourth floor down to the first floor.
Gymnastic work
Handstand push ups and wall walk basics plus scaling options
30 handstand push ups (or scaled) at your own pace
4 times through for time:
Start Downstairs
15 SDHP 75/55
10 Knees to Elbow
15 Push Press 75/55
Row 250 (After running upstairs to the rower, of course)
Monday, April 13, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Meet downstairs for the warmup:
Run 400
10 Med Ball Cleans
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 HR Push Ups
Dead Lift 5-5-3-2-1 Establish a new 1RM
Goblet Squats
Med Ball Sit Ups
HR Push up
Meet downstairs for the warmup:
Run 400
10 Med Ball Cleans
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 HR Push Ups
Dead Lift 5-5-3-2-1 Establish a new 1RM
Goblet Squats
Med Ball Sit Ups
HR Push up
Thursday, April 9, 2015
2015-04-09 Deck of Cards
Meet upstairs at 1610
Warm up in the atrium:
2 Rounds of
Walking lunges
Bear crawl
Crab walk
Toe touches
Deck of Cards:
Hearts: Dumbbell push press
Diamonds: Situps
Spades: Pushups
Clubs: Squats
Jokers: 10 Burpees
Warm up in the atrium:
2 Rounds of
Walking lunges
Bear crawl
Crab walk
Toe touches
Deck of Cards:
Hearts: Dumbbell push press
Diamonds: Situps
Spades: Pushups
Clubs: Squats
Jokers: 10 Burpees
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
2015-04-08 Wall balls, box jumps and KBS
Meet upstairs
PVC stretch
200 single unders
5,5,5,3,3 Deadlift
20-15-10-5 of:
Wall ball shots (We can do them in the stairwell)
Box jumps
PVC stretch
200 single unders
5,5,5,3,3 Deadlift
20-15-10-5 of:
Wall ball shots (We can do them in the stairwell)
Box jumps
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
2015-04-07 15 minute EMOM
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC warmup
2 rounds:
10 superman
10 situps
10 squats with a hold at the bottom of the squat
Row 500 meters
EMOM 15 minutes
3 Thrusters (135/95)
7 Hand release pushups
(Alternate between exercises, first minute do thrusters, second minute do hand release pushups, and so on)
PVC warmup
2 rounds:
10 superman
10 situps
10 squats with a hold at the bottom of the squat
Row 500 meters
EMOM 15 minutes
3 Thrusters (135/95)
7 Hand release pushups
(Alternate between exercises, first minute do thrusters, second minute do hand release pushups, and so on)
Monday, April 6, 2015
2015-04-06 CHIPPER
Monday, April 6, 2015
Warm up
Meet downstairs and warm up with a 400m run, followed by two rounds of:
10 Wall Balls
10 Pass Throughs
40 Singles or 20 DU
One time through for time; Weight on the bar is 95/75 (Borrowed from Crossfit PFB)
20 Back Squat
15 Pull up
10 STOH (Shoulder to overhead)
20 Front Squat
15 Pull up
20 OHS
15 Pull up
Warm up
Meet downstairs and warm up with a 400m run, followed by two rounds of:
10 Wall Balls
10 Pass Throughs
40 Singles or 20 DU
One time through for time; Weight on the bar is 95/75 (Borrowed from Crossfit PFB)
20 Back Squat
15 Pull up
10 STOH (Shoulder to overhead)
20 Front Squat
15 Pull up
20 OHS
15 Pull up
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
2015-04-01 Thrusters
Tuesday, April 1, 2015
Meet upstairs and warm up with a 500 meter row, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups and 20 squats. Move downstairs for the workout.
Strength Work
3-3-3-3-3 135/95
Run 400
(4 Rounds of)
15 Goblet Squats
15 T2B
20 HR Push ups
Run 400
Meet upstairs and warm up with a 500 meter row, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups and 20 squats. Move downstairs for the workout.
Strength Work
3-3-3-3-3 135/95
Run 400
(4 Rounds of)
15 Goblet Squats
15 T2B
20 HR Push ups
Run 400
2015-03-31 Shoulders
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with 200 singles or 100 doubles, followed by group stretch and warm up.
Strict Press
3-3-3-3-3 at 75% of your one rep max
3 Rounds
Run 400
10 Push Press 75/115
20 KBS
40 Sit Ups
Meet downstairs and warm up with 200 singles or 100 doubles, followed by group stretch and warm up.
Strict Press
3-3-3-3-3 at 75% of your one rep max
3 Rounds
Run 400
10 Push Press 75/115
20 KBS
40 Sit Ups
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with 200 singles or 100 double unders. Follow with 50 feet each of- toe touches, bear crawl, Russian kicks and lunges.
(4 Rounds)
5 Hanging Power Cleans 135/95
10 T2B
15 HR Push Ups
50 foot weighted lunge 35/26 (KB in the front rack position)
Meet downstairs and warm up with 200 singles or 100 double unders. Follow with 50 feet each of- toe touches, bear crawl, Russian kicks and lunges.
(4 Rounds)
5 Hanging Power Cleans 135/95
10 T2B
15 HR Push Ups
50 foot weighted lunge 35/26 (KB in the front rack position)
2015-03-25 Benchmarks
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Warm up with a 400 and PVC stretches
Two Benchmark workouts for today that are short and sweet.
1) Crossfit Total
Using a 5-3-2-2-1-1 lifting pattern, add weight each time to find your One Rep Max in each of the following lifts:
Strict Press
Back Squat
(In that order)
Combine the weight of all lifts for your total score.
2) Crossfit Baseline Workout
One round for time;
500 Meter Row
40 Squats
30 sit-ups
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups
Record your numbers on these lifts as a reference for future progress in your power and strength.
Warm up with a 400 and PVC stretches
Two Benchmark workouts for today that are short and sweet.
1) Crossfit Total
Using a 5-3-2-2-1-1 lifting pattern, add weight each time to find your One Rep Max in each of the following lifts:
Strict Press
Back Squat
(In that order)
Combine the weight of all lifts for your total score.
2) Crossfit Baseline Workout
One round for time;
500 Meter Row
40 Squats
30 sit-ups
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups
Record your numbers on these lifts as a reference for future progress in your power and strength.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
2013-03-24 Rest Day
Due to a very low projected turn-out, take a rest day. I'll post a WOD tomorrow. KL
Monday, March 23, 2015
2015-03-23 "CRAIN" Hero WOD
Monday, March 23, 2015
Warm up with a 500 meter row, move downstairs and complete two rounds of the following with PVC:
Pass through
Pass Around
Good Morning
Pass Around
2 rounds for time of:
34 push-ups
50-yard sprint
34 deadlifts, 135 lb.
50-yard sprint
34 box jumps, 24-inch box
50-yard sprint
34 clean and jerks, 95 lb.
50-yard sprint
34 burpees
50-yard sprint
34 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
50-yard sprint
34 pull-ups
50-yard sprint

Officer Michael "Freight" Crain, of Beaumont, California, died Feb. 7, 2013, when he was fatally injured by gunfire in an apparent ambush while on patrol. A former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, the 34-year-old had been with the Riverside Police Department for 11 years, assigned to field operations and the SWAT Team. He is survived by his wife, Regina; son, Ian; and daughter, Kaitlyn
Warm up with a 500 meter row, move downstairs and complete two rounds of the following with PVC:
Pass through
Pass Around
Good Morning
Pass Around
2 rounds for time of:
34 push-ups
50-yard sprint
34 deadlifts, 135 lb.
50-yard sprint
34 box jumps, 24-inch box
50-yard sprint
34 clean and jerks, 95 lb.
50-yard sprint
34 burpees
50-yard sprint
34 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
50-yard sprint
34 pull-ups
50-yard sprint
Officer Michael "Freight" Crain, of Beaumont, California, died Feb. 7, 2013, when he was fatally injured by gunfire in an apparent ambush while on patrol. A former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, the 34-year-old had been with the Riverside Police Department for 11 years, assigned to field operations and the SWAT Team. He is survived by his wife, Regina; son, Ian; and daughter, Kaitlyn
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
2015-03-18 Front squats, pull-ups, burpees
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Run 400 meters
Front squats (115/75)
PVC stretch
Run 400 meters
Front squats (115/75)
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
2015-03-17 15 Minute AMRAP
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
10 superman
10 slow squats
20 med ball situps with a partner
15 Minute AMRAP
8 Push press
10 Wall ball shots
12 Box jumps
PVC stretch
10 superman
10 slow squats
20 med ball situps with a partner
15 Minute AMRAP
8 Push press
10 Wall ball shots
12 Box jumps
Monday, March 16, 2015
2015-03-16 Barbara modified
Meet downstairs at 1610
Warm up:
PVC stretch
200 single unders
5,5,5,3,3 Deadlift
"Barbara" modified:
3 Rounds for time
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
Warm up:
PVC stretch
200 single unders
5,5,5,3,3 Deadlift
"Barbara" modified:
3 Rounds for time
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
Friday, March 13, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
2015-03-12 Danny Hero WOD
Good day... I want to share a really cool web page I tripped over recently. has a page with photos, exercises and the stories behind all of the Heroes who have named WOD's. It's really interesting. They also have "The Girls" and WOD's for travelling listed in a nice format.
Here's the workout for Thursday, March 12, 2015
Warm-up: Run 400, followed by dynamic stretching and PVC stretch
Strength work:
Split Jerk 3-3-3-2-1 Working toward a 1 rep max with proper form
WOD Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes!
30 Box Jumps
20 Push Press (#115)
30 Pull ups
Full set of stairs (OK, I added this part)
Enjoy the weekend....................KL
Here's the workout for Thursday, March 12, 2015
Warm-up: Run 400, followed by dynamic stretching and PVC stretch
Strength work:
Split Jerk 3-3-3-2-1 Working toward a 1 rep max with proper form
WOD Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes!
30 Box Jumps
20 Push Press (#115)
30 Pull ups
Full set of stairs (OK, I added this part)
Enjoy the weekend....................KL
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
2015-03-11 Curtis P Partner WOD
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Meet Upstairs and warm up with;
500 meter row
40' Long Jump
40' Bear Crawl
40' Crab Walk
40' Baby Elephant
move downstairs for the WOD
Partner WOD
5 Curtis P's 95/65
While one partner is doing Curtis , other partner runs 200m
(Switch and repeat)
5 Curtis P's
Partner- 20 T2B
(Switch and repeat)
5 Curtis P's
Partner -30 KBS
(Switch and repeat)
5 Curtis P's
Partner -20 KB Snatches
(Switch and repeat)
5 Curtis P's
Partner-Hold plank position for all Curtis P's
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with the following.
100 DU or 200 Singles
2 Rounds of:
10 Wall Squats
10 Push ups
15 minute AMRAP
10 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Wall Balls
20 Sit ups
Meet downstairs and warm up with the following.
100 DU or 200 Singles
2 Rounds of:
10 Wall Squats
10 Push ups
15 minute AMRAP
10 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Wall Balls
20 Sit ups
2015-03-09 Bowen Hero WOD
Monday March 9, 2015
Here's a main site WOD we did yesterday if anyone is looking for ideas. It's a good one!
3 Rounds of the following
7 Deadlift (Scaled to 185)
10 Burpee pull-ups
10 Single arm KB Thrusters 53/35 (5 each side)
20 Box jumps
Here's a main site WOD we did yesterday if anyone is looking for ideas. It's a good one!
3 Rounds of the following
7 Deadlift (Scaled to 185)
10 Burpee pull-ups
10 Single arm KB Thrusters 53/35 (5 each side)
20 Box jumps
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Meet upstairs and warm up iwth a 500 meter row. Go downstairs and complete the warm up with 20 PVC Good Mornings, OHS and Pass Through.
Squat Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Concentrate on form Work with 64% of your one rep max
Partner up and critique form issues for each other.
12 Minute AMRAP
10 Deadlift 135/95
Run 200
15 Good Mornings 45/25
Run 200
20 KBS 53/35
Run 200
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
2015-03-03 Squat Cleans and Presses
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
It's a great day to work out outside!! Meet downstairs for the warm-up and WOD. Please shuttle some 53 pound KB downstairs.
Warm Up with a 400 run, 15 med ball cleans, 15 Push ups and some stretching
Squat Cleans 5-5-3-3-3-1
Work on form, add weaight and work toward a 1-rep max for your squat clean.
12 minute AMRAP
Run 200
10 Goblet Squat 53\35
10 Push Press 95/65
10 Pull ups
It's a great day to work out outside!! Meet downstairs for the warm-up and WOD. Please shuttle some 53 pound KB downstairs.
Warm Up with a 400 run, 15 med ball cleans, 15 Push ups and some stretching
Squat Cleans 5-5-3-3-3-1
Work on form, add weaight and work toward a 1-rep max for your squat clean.
12 minute AMRAP
Run 200
10 Goblet Squat 53\35
10 Push Press 95/65
10 Pull ups
Monday, March 2, 2015
2015-03-02 CF Open 15.1 Variant
Monday, March 2, 2015
Meet downstairs and warm up with a 400 run, 15 squats, PVC pass through and pass-around.
WOD (Inspired by CF open 15.1)
4 times
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlifts 135/95
5 KB Snatch (5 on each side) 53/35
25 DU/50 SU Jump rope
Meet downstairs and warm up with a 400 run, 15 squats, PVC pass through and pass-around.
WOD (Inspired by CF open 15.1)
4 times
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlifts 135/95
5 KB Snatch (5 on each side) 53/35
25 DU/50 SU Jump rope
Thursday, February 26, 2015
2015-02-26 Deck of Cards
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Row 500 meters
200 single unders or 100 double unders
Deck of Cards
Hearts: Push press
Diamonds: Pushups
Spades: Situps
Clubs: KBS
Jokers: 10 Burpees
PVC stretch
Row 500 meters
200 single unders or 100 double unders
Deck of Cards
Hearts: Push press
Diamonds: Pushups
Spades: Situps
Clubs: KBS
Jokers: 10 Burpees
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610
Warm up:
Row 500 meters
20 squats
Hold in plank for one minute
Push press 5-5-5-5-5
3 Rounds
10 Power cleans
15 Box jumps
50 meter heavy farmer carry
Warm up:
Row 500 meters
20 squats
Hold in plank for one minute
Push press 5-5-5-5-5
3 Rounds
10 Power cleans
15 Box jumps
50 meter heavy farmer carry
Monday, February 23, 2015
2015-02-23 Front squats and KBS
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
1-10 Situps
10-1 Pushups
Front squats 135/75
KBS 53/35
PVC stretch
1-10 Situps
10-1 Pushups
Front squats 135/75
KBS 53/35
Thursday, February 19, 2015
2015-02-19 Cleans
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Meet upstairs and warm up in the atrium with 50 feet each of:
Bear Crawl
Toe Touch
Russian Kicks
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Work toward a 3 rep max
3 Rounds
Run 200
5 Cleans 135/95
10 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
Meet upstairs and warm up in the atrium with 50 feet each of:
Bear Crawl
Toe Touch
Russian Kicks
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Work toward a 3 rep max
3 Rounds
Run 200
5 Cleans 135/95
10 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
2015-02-18 Brenton
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Warm up upstairs with a 1000 meter row. Move downstairs for the WOD
This is a hero WOD, so don't let the easy appearance fool you.
5 Rounds
100 foot Bear Crawl
100 Foot Standing Broad Jump
Must do 3 Burpees after every 5 broad jumps.
Good Luck all.....I've never done this one before...K
Don't erase this Lisa!!!!!!
Warm up upstairs with a 1000 meter row. Move downstairs for the WOD
This is a hero WOD, so don't let the easy appearance fool you.
5 Rounds
100 foot Bear Crawl
100 Foot Standing Broad Jump
Must do 3 Burpees after every 5 broad jumps.
Good Luck all.....I've never done this one before...K
Don't erase this Lisa!!!!!!
Monday, February 16, 2015
2015-02-17 FRAN !!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Happy Tuesday! (Sorry for the technical difficulty)
Warm up: Run 400
10 Wall Ball
10 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
OLY 3-3-3-3-3 Front Squat at 75% body weight
21-15-9 Thrusters and Pull Ups
Happy Tuesday! (Sorry for the technical difficulty)
Warm up: Run 400
10 Wall Ball
10 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
OLY 3-3-3-3-3 Front Squat at 75% body weight
21-15-9 Thrusters and Pull Ups
Thursday, February 12, 2015
2015-02-12 Goblets and push press
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
Row 1000 meters
12 Minute AMRAP
15 Goblet squats
15 dumbbell push press
PVC stretch
Row 1000 meters
12 Minute AMRAP
15 Goblet squats
15 dumbbell push press
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
Run 400 meters
5 Rounds of
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall ball shots
20 Situps
PVC Stretch
Run 400 meters
5 Rounds of
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall ball shots
20 Situps
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
2015-02-10 15 minute AMRAP
Meet downstairs at 1610
PVC stretch
200 single unders or 50 double unders
5,5,3,3 Push press
15 minute AMRAP of
15 Squats
12 Pushups
9 Box jumps
6 Pullups
PVC stretch
200 single unders or 50 double unders
5,5,3,3 Push press
15 minute AMRAP of
15 Squats
12 Pushups
9 Box jumps
6 Pullups
Monday, February 9, 2015
2015-02-09 EMOM Couplet
Meet upstairs at 1610
Row 1000m, drop your 500m split by 10 seconds for the 3rd 250m and then another 10 seconds for the last 250m
Tabata Birddog
TGU--10 on each side
EMOM 20 minutes
In the first minute deadlifts at 90% of your 3 rep max
In the second minute 10 perfect pushups. They don't have to be slow, just perfect form.
A little light hearted jab from @CrossFit
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
2015-02-04 Goblets, swings and other stuff
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC warm up
Core work:
100 flutter kicks (50 each leg)
50 situps
Plank hold for 1 minute
5,5,3,3 Hang Squat clean
3 Rounds for time of:
20 Goblet squats #53/35
20 Single handed KBS (10 each arm) #53/35
5 Deadlift #255/175
30 Single Unders
PVC warm up
Core work:
100 flutter kicks (50 each leg)
50 situps
Plank hold for 1 minute
5,5,3,3 Hang Squat clean
3 Rounds for time of:
20 Goblet squats #53/35
20 Single handed KBS (10 each arm) #53/35
5 Deadlift #255/175
30 Single Unders
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
02-03-2014 Filthy Fifty Partner WOD
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Good afternoon everyone. Meet dowstairs for the WOD today.
Warm up with 50 Doubles or 100 Single unders, 15 squats with a 2-second hold at the bottom and PVC stretching.
Partner WOD
This WOD is a partner Filthy Fifty. 50 reps of each listed exercise. You can break up the work any way you want between the partners, done as a chipper with one partner working at a time.
Deadlift 135/95
Box Jumps
HR Push Ups
Med Ball Cleans
Push Press 95/75
Every 5 minutes, both partners must run a 200
Good afternoon everyone. Meet dowstairs for the WOD today.
Warm up with 50 Doubles or 100 Single unders, 15 squats with a 2-second hold at the bottom and PVC stretching.
Partner WOD
This WOD is a partner Filthy Fifty. 50 reps of each listed exercise. You can break up the work any way you want between the partners, done as a chipper with one partner working at a time.
Deadlift 135/95
Box Jumps
HR Push Ups
Med Ball Cleans
Push Press 95/75
Every 5 minutes, both partners must run a 200
Thursday, January 29, 2015
01-29-2015 Fast Fast Fun
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Meet downstairs at 1610. Run a 400 for warm up, followed by group dynamic stretch
Power Clean 5-5-5-5 135/95
Use the same weight for all lifts. If you need to scale, keep it challenging.
WOD Blatantly stolen from Crossfit Paleo Fit Box in Sandy. This is a lung burner!
5 Rnds for time of:
200 meter Run
5 Med Ball Clean, #20/14
5 Box Jump, 24”/20”
5 Burpee
5 Pull-Ups
Meet downstairs at 1610. Run a 400 for warm up, followed by group dynamic stretch
Power Clean 5-5-5-5 135/95
Use the same weight for all lifts. If you need to scale, keep it challenging.
WOD Blatantly stolen from Crossfit Paleo Fit Box in Sandy. This is a lung burner!
5 Rnds for time of:
200 meter Run
5 Med Ball Clean, #20/14
5 Box Jump, 24”/20”
5 Burpee
5 Pull-Ups
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
01-28-2015 Partner WOD
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Meet Downstairs and warm up with a 400 meter run, followed by:
20 meters each;
Toe touches
Russian Kicks
Bear Crawl
15 minute AMRAP
Set A: 200 meter KB carry 53/35 (Must carry in the front rack position)
Set B: 10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters 75/55
10 Knees to Elbow (Continue cycle until partner returns)
Rotate at end of the 200 meter KB carry. Score is the total number of cycles through set "B".
Meet Downstairs and warm up with a 400 meter run, followed by:
20 meters each;
Toe touches
Russian Kicks
Bear Crawl
15 minute AMRAP
Set A: 200 meter KB carry 53/35 (Must carry in the front rack position)
Set B: 10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters 75/55
10 Knees to Elbow (Continue cycle until partner returns)
Rotate at end of the 200 meter KB carry. Score is the total number of cycles through set "B".
01-27-2015 Hello Shoulders
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Meet upstairs and warm up with a 500 meter row and PVC stretches
(Game day decision on whether to WOD upstairs or down)
Overhead squat 5-5-3-2-2
Focus on form and work toward a weight that is challenging
3 Rounds
10 Push Press 95/55
15 SDHP 95/55
10 T2B
100 Singles or 50 DU
Meet upstairs and warm up with a 500 meter row and PVC stretches
(Game day decision on whether to WOD upstairs or down)
Overhead squat 5-5-3-2-2
Focus on form and work toward a weight that is challenging
3 Rounds
10 Push Press 95/55
15 SDHP 95/55
10 T2B
100 Singles or 50 DU
Monday, January 26, 2015
01-26-2015 Happy Monday
Monday, January 26, 2015
Meet Upstairs
Warm up with two trips down and up the stairs, 20 squats at the bottom each time.
Squat Clean 3-3-3-3 135/95
Take a weight plate downstairs 45/25
Pull ups
HR Push ups
50 meter weighted walking lunge at the end of each round
Meet Upstairs
Warm up with two trips down and up the stairs, 20 squats at the bottom each time.
Squat Clean 3-3-3-3 135/95
Take a weight plate downstairs 45/25
Pull ups
HR Push ups
50 meter weighted walking lunge at the end of each round
Thursday, January 22, 2015
2015-01-22 Stair running with some wall ball shots
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC stretch, then some group stretching
200 single unders
10 rounds:
Run down the west stairs. 10 wall ball shots at the bottom.
Run back up the stairs. 10 pushups at the top.
PVC stretch, then some group stretching
200 single unders
10 rounds:
Run down the west stairs. 10 wall ball shots at the bottom.
Run back up the stairs. 10 pushups at the top.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
2015-01-21 "Jack"
Meet upstairs at 1610
PVC Stretch
10 squats. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds
Hold in plank for thirty seconds
20 minute AMRAP of
10 push press (75/115)
10 KBS (35/53)
10 box jumps
PVC Stretch
10 squats. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds
Hold in plank for thirty seconds
20 minute AMRAP of
10 push press (75/115)
10 KBS (35/53)
10 box jumps
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
2015-01-20 Deadlifts
Meet upstairs at 1610
Run five laps around atrium, followed by 1/4 lap of toe touches, 1/4 lap lunges, 1/4 lap bear crawl, 1/4 lap baby elephants
4 Rounds for time
15 deadlifts (body weight)
15 burpees
250 meter row
Run five laps around atrium, followed by 1/4 lap of toe touches, 1/4 lap lunges, 1/4 lap bear crawl, 1/4 lap baby elephants
4 Rounds for time
15 deadlifts (body weight)
15 burpees
250 meter row
Thursday, January 15, 2015
2015-01-15 MedBall Cleans
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
PVC warmup
EMOM 5 minutes:
10 jumping lunges (5 on each side)
"rest" at the bottom of the squat
1 minute of med ball tosses with a partner for max reps and distance. Please don't break anything or each other.
Dumbbell Press
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Dumbbell Row
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Death by MedBall Cleans. Coach each other and stop not when you can't do any more, but when you can't do any more perfectly.
PVC warmup
EMOM 5 minutes:
10 jumping lunges (5 on each side)
"rest" at the bottom of the squat
1 minute of med ball tosses with a partner for max reps and distance. Please don't break anything or each other.
Dumbbell Press
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Dumbbell Row
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Death by MedBall Cleans. Coach each other and stop not when you can't do any more, but when you can't do any more perfectly.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours
PVC Warmup
5 rounds (not for time) of:
10 KBS
10 5 second holds of superman
30 seconds of hollow rock
25 jumping jacks
For time:
21-15-9 of
KBS (70/53)
Box Jumps
If you missed this exchange between Outside and Froning on Twitter, it is worth seeing:
PVC Warmup
5 rounds (not for time) of:
10 KBS
10 5 second holds of superman
30 seconds of hollow rock
25 jumping jacks
For time:
21-15-9 of
KBS (70/53)
Box Jumps
If you missed this exchange between Outside and Froning on Twitter, it is worth seeing:
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
2015-01-13 Front Squats and Bench Press
Meet upstairs at 1610 hours.
PVC Warmup
Row 500 meters
EMOM 5 minutes
10 squats
"rest" at the bottom of the squat
Spend 15 minutes working toward a three rep max on front squat
Spend 15 minutes working toward a three rep max on bench press
PVC Warmup
Row 500 meters
EMOM 5 minutes
10 squats
"rest" at the bottom of the squat
Spend 15 minutes working toward a three rep max on front squat
Spend 15 minutes working toward a three rep max on bench press
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